Thyraz / Sonos-Kids-Controller

Software for self made touchscreen jukeboxes for kids. Supports Spotify streaming and uses Sonos for audio output.
150 stars 28 forks source link

Link to enclosure/box #52

Open SgtSeppel opened 2 years ago

SgtSeppel commented 2 years ago

Hi @Thyraz

can you update the link to the box from Amazon (affiliate link would also be okay). The one from the BOM does not work anymore. Or maybe the product name to find an alternative seller?

I'd print something but the box you used looks so nice and sleek.


Thyraz commented 2 years ago

This one has quite similar dimensions:ß-Butterdose-Melamin/dp/B0160RBWGC

But I haven't ordered one by myself yet, so I cant promise the components will fit...