Closed NeriKafkafi closed 3 years ago
Hi @NeriKafkafi ,
.draw boxes
, you can set it to draw trajectories
There is no functionality at the moment in Tierpsy to plot all the trajectories. The viewer also allows you to plot the speed (any feature actually): locate the PLOT
button in the viewer, select the feature of choice in the drop down menu to its left, and press plot. This will open a new window, where you can choose to plot either the feature for one worm only (the one currently selected in the viewer), all the worms, and to choose between timeseries and histogram plot.As a final note, in case you do not need to analyse the speed over time during your video but are interested in cumulative/summary measurements, that's where you can use get feature summaries
to get IQR and 10th, 50th, 90th percentile of the distribution of each of the features measured by Tierpsy (the distribution is either created on a worm-by-worm basis or by pooling all the worms together)
Hi @NeriKafkafi ,
- Sorry, the documentation is lagging a bit. I'd suggest using the analysis type
Thanks! This helped me with finding a parameter combination that worked up to the Tierpsy Tracker Viewer (see below). The explanation of the optional values for "Analysis Type", "Parameter File", and "File Pattern to Include" is rather confusing in the github "how to use" and "example data".
- The viewer does allow you to 'join' trajectories together. Tierpsy loses identity of worms when they touch/get too close, so in the viewer you can tell that e.g. the worm with ID 10 is the same as the worm with ID 1. This will not retrieve frames in which the worm was not tracked or skeletonised due to two worms touching, so you might still have holes in the trajectory. Is this what you're experiencing?
Thanks. I was under a false impression that the Viewer was intended to manually resolve also "clusters" of worms touching. The explanation for the Viewer is sketchy but I think I now figured out most of it. I'm still not sure about "joined index"/"manual index", "worm cluster"/"single worm". Also there are two unnamed boxes for numbers to the right of the "FPS display" box. What are those?
- The viewer also allows you to plot the speed (any feature actually): locate the
button in the viewer, select the feature of choice in the drop down menu to its left, and press plot. This will open a new window, where you can choose to plot either the feature for one worm only (the one currently selected in the viewer), all the worms, and to choose between timeseries and histogram plot.
I opened a PLOT window for the speed, resized it, and at some point clicked "save CSV". At this point the window froze with everything else behind it. I couldn't make it respond or close even using CTRL+ALT+DELETE (the Windows Task Manager). Unfortunately this was before I pressed SAVE so I lost the Viewer joined trajectories. I'll try to reproduce this bug next week.
Hi @NeriKafkafi,
mostly the viewer can annotate whether there's a cluster or not, or if a tracked object is not a worm but not resolve the issue - only deals with identity of worms.
The two unmarked boxes to the right of the fps display are colour limit values: If you tick the box Color Features
the viewer will colour-code the boxes around the worms (or the trajectories behind them) according to the numeric value of the feature selected in the drop down menu. The two unmarked boxes allow you to pin two numeric values to the lower and upper bound of the colormap.
Really sorry the crash made you lose manually annotated data - that is painful. Do let me know if you manage to reproduce the bug: it's something that hasn't happened to us yet.
Hi @luigiferiani,
Thank you very much, Asaf
Hi @asafgat,
applies to the summaries as well) and in a more formal way in this paper here (Results 3a, 3b, and the supplementary materials).
For the particular example you mentioned, d_speed
is the time derivative of the speed.I hope that helped, Luigi
Hi @luigiferiani, Thank you for your quick reply, and sorry for my delay :)
Indeed it was very helpful! Thanks Asaf
Hi @asafgat,
regarding 1 - I'm afraid you are the first one that reports that happening with the temp directory disabled :(
Could you give me some more details, to see if this can be debugged? mainly
Also if that agrees with you I'd be interested to check one of the featuresN.hdf5 files, to see if the analysis really finished or got stuck close to the very end (if you cannot, or prefer not to, share a featuresN.hdf5 file I could give you instructions on what I'd like to check?)
Cheers, Luigi
Hi @luigiferiani,
This is Tierpsy version 1.5.1, windows 10.
I used 3 different machines with slightly different specs - it happened in all 3. for example- one computer specs: Intel i7-6700CPU 3.4 GHz with 32 GB (RAM), 64bit.
The masked videos are between 250 to 700 Mb (most around ~450), the results files (except the 'intensities') range between 40-270MB, the 'intensities' result files are lighter - 3-30MB.
Because we had to analyze many files, I splitted to many computers and locations, so I think I tried to analyze files that were located on desktop, also some that were located in an external hard drive & some that were in a shared dropbox folder :)
The dialog box looks like that:
I don't mind sharing one file - can I send by e-mail? Thanks, Asaf
Dear all, We installed Tierpsy 1.5.1 on a Win10 PC, and are interested in using it to analyze our experiments with multiple worms. At this point we are mainly interested with trajectories and speeds, although we plan to look also into skeleton movements in the future. Trying Tierpsy using the comprehensive tutorial, we nonetheless have a few principle questions: