TobyBaril / EarlGrey

Earl Grey: A fully automated TE curation and annotation pipeline
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Multiple sample consensus library/polymorphic insertion annotation #24

Closed swomics closed 1 year ago

swomics commented 2 years ago


One of the features I found useful with EDTA was the script for combining consensus repeat libraries across multi-sample datasets. Is there a way to combine Earl Grey results from assemblies of different individuals, or better yet use a Pangenome graph or VCF file as the input?

I produced a fairly simple wrapper script for annotating a VCF with a multi-sample consensus repeat library. Just using RepeatMasker to annotate the inserted sequences in a "pangenome" VCF (i.e. variants called with assembly vs assembly alignments). Maybe this could be tweaked to become a module?

Cheers, Sam

TobyBaril commented 1 year ago

Outside current scope as main role is to improve discovery and curation of novel TE families, archiving and added to potential queue for future development.