Toemmsen96 / ChatCommands

Mod to add /commands to the chat to Lethal Company, especially for testing mods and messing around
MIT License
3 stars 1 forks source link

just some requests cuz idk where to put requests #3

Open gento873 opened 6 months ago

gento873 commented 6 months ago

a command to make people have the same commands as hosts like /hostpower @[username]

would be useful to play with my friend and for more people too probably

spawnable apparatus

Toemmsen96 commented 6 months ago

a command to make people have the same commands as hosts like /hostpower @[username]

so do you mean like being able to say in genereal its not allowed to execute host commands, but for a specified person it is using that command you stated? I thought about adding something similiar

the spawnable apparatus i will have to look into, i guess it doesnt clarify as a scrap item so it could have similar issues to the gun part with the spawning stuff

gento873 commented 6 months ago

ye basically that's what i mean

gento873 commented 6 months ago

like you have host powers as host,and your friend is a nonhost,so you do /hostpower [@username] to make him able to use the same commands as you

Toemmsen96 commented 6 months ago

i have implemented that in a first version, will have to test it tho. If you want to test it you can download the ChatCommands.dll from the sourcecode and manually put it into the BepInEx/plugins folder

Toemmsen96 commented 6 months ago

from here:

Toemmsen96 commented 6 months ago

should work even if the nonhost doesnt have the most recent version

gento873 commented 6 months ago

ight,i'll test it later with my friend tho

gento873 commented 6 months ago

btw, would apparatus and beehive be possible ? or spawning circuit bees (so it also spawns a beehive w/the bees)

Toemmsen96 commented 6 months ago

i will look into it but not right now, it may take a while since i suspect it will be quite a bit more complicated. I do have some exams soon, and i need to study, so yeah i cant promise anything atm

gento873 commented 6 months ago

ah its fine

Toemmsen96 commented 6 months ago

oh yeah, and a small warning if you are testing, i think /enemies and /getscrap dont work as a nonhost right now, i will have to fix that. everything else should work as a nonhost i believe, but i guess there can always be a bug or something

gento873 commented 6 months ago

oh i see

spacejamjim commented 4 months ago

Would also be great if we could /tp p=-36,-13,217 for a location

Toemmsen96 commented 4 months ago

Would also be great if we could /tp p=-36,-13,217 for a location

Might add this together with a command for getting your location

Toemmsen96 commented 4 months ago

added it in 1.1.8

Would also be great if we could /tp p=-36,-13,217 for a location

Toemmsen96 commented 4 months ago

Never mind, i added it to the spawning functions, instead of the tp function 😅

Toemmsen96 commented 4 months ago

I will probably update it so the tp function uses the same p= functionality for the position