Toma400 / The_Isle_of_Ansur

Python-based text RPG game, successor of Between Shadows and Light.
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Baedoor RPG System 3.0 #86

Open Toma400 opened 9 months ago

Toma400 commented 9 months ago

This is huge topic, as I'm getting a bit clumsy when it gets to BRPGS 3.0 compared to 2.0, keeping a bit too conservative with 3.0 being almost pure port of 2.0 mechanics over. Also I remember trying to even forge term "3.5" to make some further changes just to keep 3.0 exactly as conservative as I mentioned.

So, from changes that I feel that need to be done, we would have:

More will be written here as we approach new topics. I restrict myself right to make this as bullet point list. It could be also valuable to actually make BRPGS 2.0 manual, so we have more precise separation & there won't be a feeling that 3.0 needs to stick to 2.0 purely because 2.0 had no documentation to save its weird state.

Toma400 commented 9 months ago

Linking other issue here: #24 There's also a case of connection_bond that should be rather exclusive to beings using it (which kinda resides with #87, but in different sense - as skill should be visible, but not clickable I guess? Or moved to perks?)

Perks themselves should be revisited before pre-alpha 3 is rolled out. That's why I'm putting this as part of this update, finishing touch in a sense.

Toma400 commented 8 months ago

Moving this into pre-alpha 4, as there is still some work to be done and it is now IoA being before BE contents, providing more recent BRPG system. But also to close unnecessary issues, I will simply rewrite what #24 had to say, which wasn't introduced already.

Features that are not yet there:

Current BRS3 should also introduce magical defences and such, or move those into BRS4, but those should be added one way or another. If it is included in BRS3(.1), it should be included in IoA.


Important details on stuff that is partly introduced:

perception (encountering enemies + fight bonuses)

Classes should not precisely be "point adders", but rather, as in Morrowind, classify skills which you learn faster from (but unlike TES3, not-class-related-skills should not suck so much)

Toma400 commented 8 months ago

60 and #35 are both opened and possibly duplicates of what is already brought here, right above.

Toma400 commented 7 months ago

Moving all BRPGS 3.0 stuff into next milestone, as there's little I can do that would make any difference for current incarnation of the game.

Toma400 commented 4 months ago

Moving this goal to PA6, since BRPGS 3.0 is a mess in itself. This shouts for some work on it in March/April though, since there are many gamebreaking changes that need to be addressed, and having BRPGS clearly described for each version in BE would be neat as well.