Toma400 / The_Isle_of_Ansur

Python-based text RPG game, successor of Between Shadows and Light.
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Avatars for characters #88

Closed Toma400 closed 8 months ago

Toma400 commented 8 months ago

I'm writing new issue to close some old ones, but also to put this feature idea somewhere. I wouldn't forget about it, but still...

The basic idea is that, player can pick avatar for their character. While the base idea was simple, it was expanded a bit:

So, those points here don't need to be done at once, but they are here to just remember about all ideas that eventually should go into the game.

Toma400 commented 8 months ago

This PyGame GUI thing can be quite helpful for hot-swapping of avatars, since it will be definitely way more flexible than what I have now.

Toma400 commented 8 months ago

Resources that can be useful:

Toma400 commented 8 months ago

Prepared everything to make in-game switchable avatars, but currently this is out of scope for release, so closing it with caveat of last point being prepared for, not finished.