TomographicImaging / CIL

A versatile python framework for tomographic imaging
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KullbackLeibler gradient #1312

Open epapoutsellis opened 2 years ago

epapoutsellis commented 2 years ago

At the moment, there are two implementations of the gradient of the KullbackLeibler


and Numpy

The numpy implementation above is not correct, see #1269 and will be corrected by PR #1272.

However, in the case where x and eta have zero values, numba implementation fails as

File ~/Edo/build/INSTALL/python/cil/optimisation/functions/, in KullbackLeibler_numba.gradient(self, x, out)
    485 else:
    486     out_np = out.as_array()
--> 487     kl_gradient(x.as_array(), self.b.as_array(), out_np, self.eta.as_array())
    488     out.fill(out_np)

ZeroDivisionError: division by zero

Reproduce: NEMA phantom + KullbackLeibler + FISTA.

paskino commented 2 years ago

So this is issue is now Handle ZeroDivisionError in KullbackLeibler gradient method? Division by zero originate when both x and eta have zeros in the same location.

KrisThielemans commented 4 months ago

There have been changes to the code so the above isn't up-to-date anymore. Current status:

Documentation (Note that the last line of this comment is superfluous, it's handled in the "ifs" above).

numpy implementation: Therefore, this will actually return 0 when u>0, v=0, which is not what was documented at the start, and strictly speaking incorrect for KL. (Note that the gradient is consistent with the above choice)

numba implementation Does return infinity.


numby and numpy implementations are still inconsistent. The numpy implementation is a practical choice that avoids problems, and is also what STIR/SIRF does. I don't really like it, but it does happen for instance when the reconstructed image size is smaller than the FOV. The forward projections in the "outer" part of the sinogram will therefore be zero, while the measured data might not be. This would cause problems tracking KL improvement. (Not any actual problems in the reconstruction, as the backprojection of those LORs will never contribute to the image). Of course, in real life, the scatter/randoms estimate should not be zero, and therefore this situation shouldn't ever occur in the "proper" case, but people do crazy things...

I'd be fine with either choice (return inf or 0), but I would expect both implementations to give the same result, and to match the documentation.

Maybe @MargaretDuff has an opinion...