The exported ALTO and PAGE files are not valid XML. Validators complain, and the PRIMA PageViewer refuses to load such files. Tested example from the GT data set of ÖNB:
$ ocr-validate alto-2-0 ONB_aze_18950706_1.alto
mXSDFilename: /usr/local/share/ocr-fileformat/xsd/alto-2-0.xsd
mXMLFilename: ONB_aze_18950706_1.alto
ONB_aze_18950706_1.alto fails to validate because:
cvc-id.1: There is no ID/IDREF binding for IDREF 'Times_New_Roman_4.5_______'.
At: 1:103402
$ ocr-validate page-2013-07-15 ONB_aze_18950706_1.xml
mXSDFilename: /usr/local/share/ocr-fileformat/xsd/page-2013-07-15.xsd
mXMLFilename: /tmp/ONB_aze_18950706_1.xml
ONB_aze_18950706_1.xml fails to validate because:
cvc-complex-type.2.4.d: Invalid content was found starting with element 'TranskribusMetadata'. No child element is expected at this point.
At: 12:290
The exported ALTO and PAGE files are not valid XML. Validators complain, and the PRIMA PageViewer refuses to load such files. Tested example from the GT data set of ÖNB: