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Trauma Team International || Autonomio's Coronavirus Task Force
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Autonomio's Coronavirus Taskforce

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Trauma Team International is an open collective focused on providing critically important insights to coronavirus decision makers.

:sos: what?

Trauma Team International focus on use of behavioral and statistical methods to help answer critically important questions about prevention of Coronavirus, and its effects on the healthcare system. Questions we focus on include:

1) "what behaviors and mitigation effects yield the most favorable balance between economic, psychological, and health outcomes?"

2) "we have x ventilators / ventilator operators and forecast y patients needing ventilation, but x is smaller than y, what can we do?"

3) "let number of people dying from COVID-19 be x, how can we make x smaller instead of just changing the time distribution?"

:gem: contributions

Trauma Team International's contributions fall under four categories:

Data, models, and code:


:speech_balloon: How to get involved?

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...connect with others Discord the wiki Wiki
...suggest something GitHub Issue Tracker

📢 Citations

If you use Trauma Team International's research, data, or findings for published work, please cite:

Autonomio. (2020). Retrieved from

📃 License

MIT License

:raising_hand: Contributors

Huge thanks go to everyone else who have contributed, as well as to Cavai and Lily for contributing people with skills beyond belief.
