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Dependency Dashboard #624

Open renovate[bot] opened 1 week ago

renovate[bot] commented 1 week ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

Repository problems

These problems occurred while renovating this repository. View logs.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm csurf Unavailable
npm electron-packager Unavailable
npm electron-rebuild Unavailable
npm request Unavailable


These updates have been manually edited so Renovate will no longer make changes. To discard all commits and start over, click on a checkbox.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

Dockerfile - `node 20.15.1-bullseye-slim` - `node 20.15.1-bullseye-slim`
Dockerfile.alpine - `node 20.15.1-alpine` - `node 20.15.1-alpine`
.github/workflows/dev.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v3` - `docker/build-push-action v6` - `actions/checkout v4` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v3` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `docker/build-push-action v6` - `stringbean/docker-healthcheck-action v1`
.github/workflows/main-docker.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v3` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `docker/build-push-action v6` - `stringbean/docker-healthcheck-action v1` - `actions/checkout v4` - `docker/metadata-action v4` - `docker/setup-qemu-action v3` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v3` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/build-push-action v6` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/download-artifact v4` - `docker/setup-buildx-action v3` - `docker/metadata-action v4` - `docker/login-action v2` - `docker/login-action v2`
.github/workflows/main.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4`
.github/workflows/nightly.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `WebFreak001/deploy-nightly v3.1.0` - `WebFreak001/deploy-nightly v3.1.0` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4` - `WebFreak001/deploy-nightly v3.1.0`
.github/workflows/playwright.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `actions/upload-artifact v4`
.github/workflows/release.yml - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `softprops/action-gh-release v2` - `actions/checkout v4` - `actions/setup-node v4` - `softprops/action-gh-release v2`
dump-db/package.json - `better-sqlite3 ^11.1.2` - `esrun ^3.2.26` - `mime-types ^2.1.34` - `sanitize-filename ^1.6.3` - `yargs ^17.3.1` - `@types/better-sqlite3 ^7.6.11` - `@types/mime-types ^2.1.4` - `@types/yargs ^17.0.33`
package.json - `@braintree/sanitize-url 7.1.0` - `@electron/remote 2.1.2` - `@excalidraw/excalidraw 0.17.6` - `@highlightjs/cdn-assets 11.10.0` - `@mermaid-js/layout-elk 0.1.5` - `archiver 7.0.1` - `async-mutex 0.5.0` - `autocomplete.js 0.38.1` - `axios 1.7.7` - `better-sqlite3 11.3.0` - `bootstrap 5.3.3` - `boxicons 2.1.4` - `chokidar 3.6.0` - `cls-hooked 4.2.2` - `codemirror 5.65.18` - `compression 1.7.4` - `cookie-parser 1.4.7` - `csurf 1.11.0` - `dayjs 1.11.13` - `dayjs-plugin-utc 0.1.2` - `debounce 2.2.0` - `ejs 3.1.10` - `electron-debug 4.0.1` - `electron-dl 4.0.0` - `electron-squirrel-startup 1.0.1` - `electron-window-state 5.0.3` - `escape-html 1.0.3` - `eslint 9.14.0` - `express 4.21.1` - `express-partial-content 1.0.2` - `express-rate-limit 7.4.1` - `express-session 1.18.1` - `force-graph 1.46.0` - `fs-extra 11.2.0` - `helmet 7.1.0` - `html 1.0.0` - `html2plaintext 2.1.4` - `http-proxy-agent 7.0.2` - `https-proxy-agent 7.0.5` - `i18next 23.16.8` - `i18next-fs-backend 2.6.0` - `i18next-http-backend 2.7.1` - `image-type 4.1.0` - `ini 5.0.0` - `is-animated 2.0.2` - `is-svg 4.3.2` - `jimp 0.22.12` - `joplin-turndown-plugin-gfm 1.0.12` - `jquery 3.7.1` - `jquery-hotkeys 0.2.2` - `jquery.fancytree 2.38.3` - `jsdom 25.0.0` - `jsplumb 2.15.6` - `katex 0.16.11` - `knockout 3.5.1` - `mark.js 8.11.1` - `marked 14.1.3` - `mermaid 11.4.0` - `mime-types 2.1.35` - `mind-elixir 4.3.1` - `multer 1.4.5-lts.1` - `node-abi 3.67.0` - `normalize-strings 1.1.1` - `normalize.css 8.0.1` - `panzoom 9.4.3` - `print-this 2.0.0` - `rand-token 1.0.1` - `react 18.3.1` - `react-dom 18.3.1` - `request 2.88.2` - `safe-compare 1.1.4` - `sanitize-filename 1.6.3` - `sanitize-html 2.13.1` - `sax 1.4.1` - `semver 7.6.3` - `serve-favicon 2.5.0` - `session-file-store 1.5.0` - `source-map-support 0.5.21` - `split.js 1.6.5` - `stream-throttle 0.1.3` - `striptags 3.2.0` - `tmp 0.2.3` - `tree-kill 1.2.2` - `turndown 7.2.0` - `unescape 1.0.1` - `vanilla-js-wheel-zoom 9.0.4` - `ws 8.18.0` - `xml2js 0.6.2` - `yauzl 3.1.3` - `@electron-forge/cli 7.5.0` - `@electron-forge/maker-deb 7.5.0` - `@electron-forge/maker-dmg 7.5.0` - `@electron-forge/maker-squirrel 7.5.0` - `@electron-forge/maker-zip 7.5.0` - `@electron-forge/plugin-auto-unpack-natives 7.5.0` - `@playwright/test 1.48.2` - `@types/archiver 6.0.2` - `@types/better-sqlite3 7.6.11` - `@types/cls-hooked 4.3.8` - `@types/compression 1.7.5` - `@types/cookie-parser 1.4.7` - `@types/csurf 1.11.5` - `@types/debounce 1.2.4` - `@types/ejs 3.1.5` - `@types/electron-squirrel-startup 1.0.2` - `@types/escape-html 1.0.4` - `@types/express 4.17.21` - `@types/express-session 1.18.0` - `@types/html 1.0.4` - `@types/ini 4.1.1` - `@types/jasmine 5.1.4` - `@types/jsdom 21.1.7` - `@types/mime-types 2.1.4` - `@types/multer 1.4.12` - `@types/node 22.7.8` - `@types/safe-compare 1.1.2` - `@types/sanitize-html 2.13.0` - `@types/sax 1.2.7` - `@types/semver 7.5.8` - `@types/serve-favicon 2.5.7` - `@types/session-file-store 1.2.5` - `@types/source-map-support 0.5.10` - `@types/stream-throttle 0.1.4` - `@types/tmp 0.2.6` - `@types/turndown 5.0.5` - `@types/ws 8.5.12` - `@types/xml2js 0.4.14` - `cross-env 7.0.3` - `electron 31.3.1` - `electron-packager 17.1.2` - `electron-rebuild 3.2.9` - `esm 3.2.25` - `iconsur 1.7.0` - `jasmine 5.4.0` - `jsdoc 4.0.3` - `lorem-ipsum 2.0.8` - `nodemon 3.1.7` - `rcedit 4.0.1` - `rimraf 6.0.1` - `ts-node 10.9.2` - `tslib 2.8.1` - `tsx 4.19.2` - `typescript 5.6.3` - `webpack 5.96.1` - `webpack-cli 5.1.4`