Closed art-tom closed 6 years ago
@art-tom Can you rephrase the title and description a bit? It is currently not so clear what your question is about. E.g., what is a controller in this context? And what do you mean with another endpoint; do you mean federation using a service clause?
Hello @wouterbeek ,
Thank for the answer. I have explain my problem. It is more clear ?
Has you have an idea ?
Hi @art-tom,
If I understand you correctly, you don't want to query a sparql endpoint via YASQE, but send a different (non-sparql) request to another API when a user is clicking the query button. To do so, you can overwrite the 'executeQuery' function of YASQE:
YASQE.executeQuery = function(yasqe, config) {
console.log('Just pressed the query button. The current value is: ', yasqe.getValue());
//YASQE.updateQueryButton(yasqe, "busy"); //Set the query button to loading status
//YASQE.updateQueryButton(yasqe, "valid"); // Set the query button to non-loading and valid-query status
//YASQE.updateQueryButton(yasqe, "error"); //set the query button to error status
//YASQE.updateQueryButton(yasqe); //Automatically detect (based on the current query), whether the status is valid or invalid
Added, in comments, some functions you can use in the callback to your API to change the query button state according to the response you receive
Many thanks for answer.
I modified the method, but I have a last problem for fetch the result into yasr. My on yars is a tableau and it's not possible to change.
My function is : `YASQE.executeQuery = function(yasqe, config) {
url: path,
type: 'post',
dataType: 'json',
async: true,
data : {"request" : yasqe.getValue()},
success: function(data, status, response) {
yasr.setResponse({response: data});
error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
alert('Ajax request failed.');
When I log the return I have a table on console
{0: {…}, 1: {…}, 2: {…}, 3: {…}, 4: {…}, 5: {…}, 6: {…}, 7: {…}, 8: {…}, 9: {…}} 0 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 1 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 2 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 3 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 4 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 5 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 6 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 7 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 8 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} 9 : {sub: {…}, pred: {…}, obj: {…}} __proto__ : Object
What is the type of return used with Yasqe ? Can you help me ?
Thanks in adavance
And in my controller the code is :
if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
$req = $request-> get('request');
case stripos($req, 'select') !== false:
$req = $this->deleteSelect($req);
$result = $qb->getQuery()->execute();
return new JsonResponse(json_encode($result));
case stripos($req, 'construct') !== false:
$req = $this->deleteConstruct($req);
$result = $qb->getQuery()->execute();
return new JsonResponse(json_encode($result));
default :
return new Response(json_encode("Query is not authorize"));
@LaurensRietveld Ok I have change my code. On my controller use EasyRdf. But the probleme it's the same. I test to convert my result on string etc... I doesn't work. What is the format is return when we click on standard button execute ?
if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
$req = $request-> get('request');
if( stripos($req, 'select') !== false || stripos($req, 'construct') !== false){
$result = $sparql->query($req);
return new Response(json_encode($result));
return new Response(json_encode("Query is not authorize"));
} else {
return new Response(json_encode("Erreur : Ce n'est pas une requette Ajax"),400);
Sorry for my insisted. I have a question, it's possible to execute a normal function query with Yasqe bundle in my callback function Jquery.
I explain, when I retrieve my query in my control and check a differents think, I return the Query and in callback on success I call the method developped in Yasqe for execute query normaly and pass the result at yasr.
Like this :
yasqe.options.sparql.handlers.success = function(data, status, response) {
yasr.setResponse({response: data, contentType: response.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")});
And my function for example :
YASQE.executeQuery = function(yasqe, config) {
url: path, // initialize in index
type: 'post',
dataType: "json",
data : {"request" : yasqe.getValue()},
success: function(data, status, response) {
error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
yasr.setResponse({exception: textStatus, contentType: response.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")});
beforeSend: function(){
YASQE.updateQueryButton(yasqe, "busy");
complete: function(){
I find the solution. I save the original function and I call when I have need
` var _old = YASQE.executeQuery;
YASQE.executeQuery = function(yasqe, config) {
url: path, // initialize in index
type: 'post',
dataType: "json",
data : {"request" : yasqe.getValue()},
success: function(data, status, response) {
// yasr.setResponse({response: data});
// prototype.yasqe.query();
error : function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) {
yasr.setResponse({exception: textStatus, contentType: response.getResponseHeader("Content-Type")});
beforeSend: function(){
YASQE.updateQueryButton(yasqe, "busy");
complete: function(){
My subject : I use YASQE and I configure a auto-completion pluging with Gosparqled. And use Symfony 2.8 for my project
My question : The plug-in Yasqe is configure with the button execute and I have no control on this, the query is execute directly on sparql endpoint. But I want to keep the button and I retrieve the query when I click on. My purpose is generate method Ajax for example call controler symfony with the final query. I know how to get query but the action I don't know where she is.
I want a query for execute directly (with method PHP) on controler Symfony and send the result at yars.
Thank in advance,