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Fake charger bug is back #304

Open lunatixxx opened 1 year ago

lunatixxx commented 1 year ago


You obviously did not fix it properly as i just had it today, tank stuck in t-pose and pouncing a survivor that got teleported to him after leaving the game.


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AFPV-au commented 1 year ago

The t-pose tank seems to happen then the person disconnects (rage-quits) as soon as the tank is killed, but before its death animation is finished.

The next person connecting will get into the tank and it will T-pose, undead and unkillable.

Seen it happen a few times in the last week or two, and it was always that way.

A1mDev commented 1 year ago

@AFPV-au, you are talking about a different problem.

A1mDev commented 1 year ago

This bug occurs when several properties are not cleared from the CTerrorPlayer class this bug should happen in the next frame! If you know how to reproduce the problem, tell me or do you have a demo, since after the update I did not encounter this. Previously, the problem was that the survivor died at the moment when he was carried by the charger, or the charger itself died at that moment. For example, earlier this could happen when a charger takes a survivor off the map and dies from trigger_hurt, or simply changes the team at the time of carrying the victim, using the spectate command. Of course at this point the properties were never cleared.

Property names:

typedef CHandle<CBaseEntity> EHANDLE;

class CTerrorPlayer
    EHANDLE m_queuedPummelVictim;
    EHANDLE m_queuedPummelAttacker;

Function calls that are happening at that moment:

AFPV-au commented 1 year ago

It occurs to me that my description occured while playing on a modded server (DLR I believe).. So it's probably not even relevant, I agree it's a different problem.

I've had a fair few firsts lately so forgive me.. l4d2 seems to priortise my account to just go nuts.. I'm unable to tell what is a modded server anymore, or who'se cheating for that matter and inducing bugs..

Had a tank pinned in place yesterday by bile.. on an official server.. zombies that spawned were unkillable.. There seemed to be something left in its head position.. Took 50% health in about 5 seconds.. Mostly I notice zero horde ever attacks anything else when I bile it, I get zombies spawning at massive rates directly inside me quite often ,and will not stop attacking for huge segments of the map.. I have 2k hrs. I've pretty much given up on l4d2, i figure that is some kind of director thing.. the spawn rate of zombies seems much much higher when I'm playing survivor than for the other team.. Perhaps its potentially some kind of subtle cheating using a modded server since I get no listing in the built in game server ever, always using the openserverbrowser command to find local games.. I've given up trying to understand it.. people witnessing it seem to leave in disgust as it's obvious a cheat of some kind or the game is beyond rigged..

Half the people lately are using aimware..

Deary me.. so yeah I concur different issue, don't have a demo for you.