Turistforeningen / node-mongo-querystring

Query builder for accepting URL query parameters into your MongoDB queries. Safe and feature rich. Supports most of MongoDB's query operators such as $eq, $gt, $lt, $ne, $in, $nin, $exists, $regex, geospatial queries such as bbox and near, as well as your own custom query business logic!
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Unable to filter certain strings and decimal values #23

Closed wsfuller closed 8 years ago

wsfuller commented 8 years ago

I've pulled down the sample code to test out the filtering for a monitor resolution api. The only change I've made to the provided sample code in examples/app.js is the qs variable


var qs = new MongoQS({
  custom: {
    //bbox: 'geojson',
    //near: 'geojson',
    exists: 'hdmi',
    equal: 'resolution'


    "series": "meh-monitor",
    "hdmi": false,
    "hdmi_version": "",
    "vga": true,
    "resolution": "1366x768"
    "series": "ok-monitor",
    "hdmi": true,
    "hdmi_version": "1.0",
    "vga": true,
    "resolution": "1920x1080"  
    "series": "good-monitor",
    "hdmi": true,
    "hdmi_version": "1.2",
    "vga": false,
    "resolution": "2560x1440"

Working Sample URLs:

Non working sample URLs:

Starefossen commented 8 years ago

@wsfuller and thank you for reporting this in such detail!

Put this configuration in your app.js and both of these non-working URLs should start working:

var qs = new MongoQS({
  string: {
    toNumber: false

This disables string to number parsing which is creating problems for you in both of these cases.

wsfuller commented 8 years ago

@Starefossen thanks for the response, unfortunately this isn't working as expected with the suggested change.


var qs = new MongoQS({
  custom: {
    exists: 'hdmi',
    equal: 'resolution'
  string: {
    toNumber: false




    "series": "good-monitor",
    "hdmi": true,
    "hdmi_version": "1.2",
    "vga": false,
    "resolution": "2560x1440"

I am running a console.log on the query:


  // Parse the request query parameters
  var query = qs.parse(req.query);

returns { resolution: 2560 }

So for some reason at the "x" the req.query stops. As well still not able to query ...?hdmi_version: 1.2

Starefossen commented 8 years ago

Could you try updating to at least v2.0.0 as the toNumber option was introduced in that version.

wsfuller commented 8 years ago

Apologies, didn't see the pull request until right after I posted the comment

Starefossen commented 8 years ago

No worries, I hope this solves your problems 😄

wsfuller commented 8 years ago

So I pulled down v3.0.0 and added in string:{ toNumber: false}. After trying localhost:3000/api/places?resolution=2560x1440 was still not returning expected results. So looking at the pull request made 4 days ago I just manually added in your fix on line 192

fix line #192

} else if (this.string.toNumber && !isNaN(parseInt(string, 10)) && 
(+string - +string + 1) >= 0) {

That solves the resolution issue and localhost:3000/api/places?resolution=2560x1440 is working as expected.

After removing the string property of hdmi_version: 1.2 and making it an integer that is working as expected now as well.

New to databases and JSON and didn't realize that having a decimal integer was acceptable, my thought was having a dot would make it invalid for some reason.

Thanks for your help :+1:

Starefossen commented 8 years ago

That patch from #24 has landed in v3.1.0