Turistforeningen / node-mongo-querystring

Query builder for accepting URL query parameters into your MongoDB queries. Safe and feature rich. Supports most of MongoDB's query operators such as $eq, $gt, $lt, $ne, $in, $nin, $exists, $regex, geospatial queries such as bbox and near, as well as your own custom query business logic!
MIT License
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Escaping operators #70

Open Halt001 opened 7 years ago

Halt001 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I've been playing a little with your lib but I found no way of escaping operators that occur in the first part of the values. For example, what would be the querystring for the following output: {"foo":"!baz"}.

I've tried: ?foo=!baz => {"foo":{"$ne":"baz"}} (duh) ?foo=%21baz => {"foo":{"$ne":"baz"}} (ExpressJS resolves %21 before your lib sees it) ?foo=%27!baz%27 => {"foo":"'!baz'"} same problem, resolved by ExpressJS

But even without ExpressJS in between % escaping it doesn't seem to work.

P.S. Like another poster I would also like to combine the whole expression into one q=... parameter, otherwise it would cause conflicts with other meaningful parameters like page, limit etc.