Turistforeningen / node-mongo-querystring

Query builder for accepting URL query parameters into your MongoDB queries. Safe and feature rich. Supports most of MongoDB's query operators such as $eq, $gt, $lt, $ne, $in, $nin, $exists, $regex, geospatial queries such as bbox and near, as well as your own custom query business logic!
MIT License
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Filtering string fields will not work when filter value consists of numbers #71

Open Halt001 opened 7 years ago

Halt001 commented 7 years ago

qs.parse({"foo":">1"}) results in{"foo":{"$gt":1}} and not{"foo":{"$gt":"1"}} where the '1' is converted to a Number field automatically. If the foo field is a string field in the database than this search query will find nothing.

I haven't tested it but this will probably also be true for booleans. So you probably can't filter a text field on the word 'true'.

There should be a way to force the creation of a string filter for values that could also be a number or a boolean.

Starefossen commented 7 years ago

That is correct behaviour with the default settings. You can turn off automatic parsing of Numbers and Booleans by setting toNumber and toBoolean respectively to false like this:

const qs = new MongoQS({
  string: {
    toNumber: false,
    toBoolean: false,
Halt001 commented 7 years ago

Sorry fo the late reply. This doesn't help the situation where you want to combine a filter on a number field and a string field like this: qs.parse({"fooString":">1", "fooNumber":">1"}); where you expect: {"fooString":{"$gt":"1"}, "fooNumber":{"$gt":1}}

Maybe it would help if you add single quotes to the syntax to aid in discriminating string fields from number fields. Like this: qs.parse({"fooString":">'1'", "fooNumber":">1"}); This may need to be escaped on the url though.