TwanoO67 / ngx-admin-lte

Admin LTE for Angular 2/4/6/8 as a NPM package
MIT License
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Inconsistent naming for src/models/preferencies.ts #53

Closed catull closed 6 years ago

catull commented 6 years ago

preferencies does not exist as a word; it would be preferences Same spelling as the French word just without accents: préférence (sing.) / préférences (plur.).

All other model classes in src/models are singular words.

I suggest preferencies.ts be renamed to preference.ts. The class inside accordingly needs to be renamed from Preferencies to Preference.

TwanoO67 commented 6 years ago


Ok it seems logical :) It will introduce a BC, but v2 is the good moment to do that ;)

catull commented 6 years ago

Sure, no problem.