Twombs / GOGcli-GUI

Frontend program for gogcli.exe by Magnitus
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[Suggestion] Option to disable 'Always-on-top' #2

Open BloodShed-Oni opened 2 years ago

BloodShed-Oni commented 2 years ago

Could you add an option to disable the program windows from being always on top?

Twombs commented 2 years ago

Hello, sorry about my slow response, only saw your request tonight. Blame Google for screwing with Gmail, which is no longer checked daily or at all by my email client, so I only check via browser about once a week now, because I get so few emails through Gmail that are worth responding to.

I will give some thought to your request, but I'm not sure why you would need that option, as I just minimize at need. I say that as someone who has coded many programs with an On Top button. I never saw the need for this program, so did not add it.

Twombs commented 2 years ago

Can you explain why you need to be able to disable 'on top' and whether you mean the main program window or the 'Game Files Selector' window or both, and why minimizing either window doesn't suffice?

And is this for normal downloading or the Download All option or both or neither?

Essentially, how are you using the program that you need this option?

BloodShed-Oni commented 2 years ago

Having it always on top makes it a hassel when alt+tab'ing between programs. And it's both the main window and file selector.

It is a problem with the 'Download All' as well since it won't remain minimized and steal focus when the file selector pops up (And that happen several times while writing this).

Twombs commented 2 years ago

With the 'Download All' process, there is a checkbox you can set on the 'Game Files Selector' window to keep it minimized during that process. On Top being disabled won't change the stealing focus, not on its own.

I'm not sure about Alt+Tab as that is something I rarely use, but I would have thought it would make a window active anyway, regardless of the On Top setting. However I will double check that.

I'm not keen to add another button to the two windows, but we will see.

BloodShed-Oni commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure about Alt+Tab as that is something I rarely use, but I would have thought it would make a window active anyway, regardless of the On Top setting. However I will double check that.

While it does make a window active when switching to it, the On Top window will still be in front and be in the way. And that means I have to minimize it anyway or move it around to get access to the area it covers.

Twombs commented 2 years ago

Okay, noted. I will see what I can come up with.

Twombs commented 2 years ago

Grab v3.3 and see how that goes. ON TOP button near top right of GUI, which you click to set or unset, and the state applies to both the main window and the 'Game Files Selector' window.

BloodShed-Oni commented 2 years ago

Grab v3.3 and see how that goes. ON TOP button near top right of GUI, which you click to set or unset, and the state applies to both the main window and the 'Game Files Selector' window.

Thank you.