UA-NASA-Robotics / 2024-2025-Robot-Code

This repo contains the code for neccessary for the UA NASA Robotics' 2024-2025 robot's operation, meaning: all code run on the SBC (single board computers/jetson), all code run on the MCU's (arduinos), and all code run on the remote station (RS)
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RS: Control one track with each joystick, forward/reverse #11

Open eseer-divad opened 1 month ago

eseer-divad commented 1 month ago

You will need to implement custom Python code to remap Joy inputs into Twist messages. teleop will not simply do this for you. We need that specific control scheme: one track for each joystick.

We should also leave room for future alternate control schemes. This is not hard, you should make the specific control scheme class in Python inherit from an abstract/base class.

eseer-divad commented 1 month ago
import rclpy
from rclpy.node import Node
from sensor_msgs.msg import Joy
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class JoysticksBase(Node, ABC):
    def __init__(self, node_name, parameters=[]):

        # Declare and get parameters
        self.params = {}
        for param_name, default_value in parameters:
            self.declare_parameter(param_name, default_value)
            self.params[param_name] = self.get_parameter(param_name).value

        # Subscribers & Publishers
        self.joy_subscribe = self.create_subscription(

        self.cmd_vel_publish = self.create_publisher(
            '/rs/cmd_vel',  # Publish to /rs/cmd_vel as per your request

        self.get_logger().info(f'{node_name} initialized with parameters: {self.params}')

    def joy_callback(self, msg):
        twist_msg = self.process_joystick_input(msg)
        if twist_msg:

    def process_joystick_input(self, joy_msg):
        """Process joystick input and return a Twist message."""

class JoystickTracks(JoysticksBase):
    def __init__(self):
        parameters = [
            ('left_axis_index', 1),
            ('right_axis_index', 4),
            ('scale_linear', 1.0),
            ('scale_angular', 1.0),
        super().__init__('control_scheme_joystick_tracks', parameters)

    def process_joystick_input(self, msg):
        twist_msg = Twist()

        # Get parameters from self.params
        left_axis_index = self.params['left_axis_index']
        right_axis_index = self.params['right_axis_index']
        scale_linear = self.params['scale_linear']
        scale_angular = self.params['scale_angular']

        # Get L/R track inputs
            left = msg.axes[left_axis_index] * scale_linear
            right = msg.axes[right_axis_index] * scale_linear
        except IndexError as e:
            self.get_logger().error(f'Axis index out of range: {e}')
            return None

        # Compute linear & angular velocity
        twist_msg.linear.x = (left + right) / 2.0
        twist_msg.angular.z = (right - left) / 2.0 * scale_angular

        return twist_msg

def main(args=None):
    node = JoystickTracks()
eseer-divad commented 1 month ago

I add a drop of code and re-building this project became a nightmare, will figure out this week @ express.