UBC-MDS / software-review-2022

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Submission group 29: py_outliers_utils (python) #59

Open scarlqq opened 2 years ago

scarlqq commented 2 years ago

Submitting Author: Karanpreet Kaur (@karanpreetkaur) Linhan Cai (@lipcai) Qingqing Song (@scarlqq)

Package Name: py_outliers_utils One-Line Description of Package: Simple utility for dealing outliers. Repository Link: https://github.com/UBC-MDS/py_outliers_utils Version submitted: v1.2.9

Editor: Karanpreet Kaur (@karanpreetkaur) Linhan Cai (@lipcai) Qingqing Song (@scarlqq)

Reviewers: Wanying Ye (@GloriaWYY ) Amir Shojakhani (@Amirshoja ) Adam MORPHY (@adammorphy) Jacqueline Chong (@Jacq4nn)

Archive: TBD
Version accepted: TBD



* Please fill out a pre-submission inquiry before submitting a data visualization package. For more info, see notes on categories of our guidebook.

Technical checks

For details about the pyOpenSci packaging requirements, see our packaging guide. Confirm each of the following by checking the box. This package:

Publication options

JOSS Checks - [ ] The package has an **obvious research application** according to JOSS's definition in their [submission requirements][JossSubmissionRequirements]. Be aware that completing the pyOpenSci review process **does not** guarantee acceptance to JOSS. Be sure to read their submission requirements (linked above) if you are interested in submitting to JOSS. - [ ] The package is not a "minor utility" as defined by JOSS's [submission requirements][JossSubmissionRequirements]: "Minor ‘utility’ packages, including ‘thin’ API clients, are not acceptable." pyOpenSci welcomes these packages under "Data Retrieval", but JOSS has slightly different criteria. - [ ] The package contains a `paper.md` matching [JOSS's requirements][JossPaperRequirements] with a high-level description in the package root or in `inst/`. - [ ] The package is deposited in a long-term repository with the DOI: *Note: Do not submit your package separately to JOSS*

Are you OK with Reviewers Submitting Issues and/or pull requests to your Repo Directly?

This option will allow reviewers to open smaller issues that can then be linked to PR's rather than submitting a more dense text based review. It will also allow you to demonstrate addressing the issue via PR links.

Code of conduct

P.S. *Have feedback/comments about our review process? Leave a comment here

Editor and Review Templates

Editor and review templates can be found here

Jacq4nn commented 2 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Readme requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:

The README should include, from top to bottom:


Reviewers are encouraged to submit suggestions (or pull requests) that will improve the usability of the package as a whole. Package structure should follow general community best-practices. In general please consider:


For packages co-submitting to JOSS

Note: Be sure to check this carefully, as JOSS's submission requirements and scope differ from pyOpenSci's in terms of what types of packages are accepted.

The package contains a paper.md matching JOSS's requirements with:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1hr.

Review Comments

GloriaWYY commented 2 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Readme requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:

The README should include, from top to bottom:


Reviewers are encouraged to submit suggestions (or pull requests) that will improve the usability of the package as a whole. Package structure should follow general community best-practices. In general please consider:


For packages co-submitting to JOSS

Note: Be sure to check this carefully, as JOSS's submission requirements and scope differ from pyOpenSci's in terms of what types of packages are accepted.

The package contains a paper.md matching JOSS's requirements with:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1 hour

Review Comments

Congratulations Group 29 on publishing this amazing Python package! I saw a lot efforts demonstrated in your GitHub repository. Something I would like to point out to help you improve py_outliers_utils even more:

Overall, I think it is a neat and useful package. Hopefully these comments can help you to make it better!

Amirshoja commented 2 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide


The package includes all the following forms of documentation:

Readme requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:

The README should include, from top to bottom:


Reviewers are encouraged to submit suggestions (or pull requests) that will improve the usability of the package as a whole. Package structure should follow general community best-practices. In general please consider:


For packages co-submitting to JOSS

Note: Be sure to check this carefully, as JOSS's submission requirements and scope differ from pyOpenSci's in terms of what types of packages are accepted.

The package contains a paper.md matching JOSS's requirements with:

Final approval (post-review)

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1.5 hours

Review Comments

First of all congratulations on creating a wonderful and useful package. The team has done a great job and I really found the documentation, docstrings and examples to be very good. They easily guided me through the process of working with your package. I have added my recommendations below as minor changes I feel could make this already very good package slightly better:

Overall a job well done, with excellent documentation. Thank you.

adammorphy commented 2 years ago

Package Review

Please check off boxes as applicable, and elaborate in comments below. Your review is not limited to these topics, as described in the reviewer guide

Readme requirements The package meets the readme requirements below:


For packages co-submitting to JOSS

Estimated hours spent reviewing: 1.5 hours

Review Comments

Congrats everyone on creating a very useful package! It is obvious you have put a lot of work onto it with great results. The documentation was also easy to follow and made it simply to install and use your package. I have noted a few things below which may be improved:

In general, this is great work and I enjoyed using your package!