HMM implementation featuring Deal.II (FE) and LAMMPS (MD)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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New name, please! #20

Closed mvassaux closed 4 years ago

mvassaux commented 4 years ago

What could we replace "DeaLAMMPS" by?

It is a Finite Element and Molecular Dynamics coupling workflow based on the Heterogeneous or Hybrid multiscale method (depending on who you ask).

It is ideal, somehow, to predict material properties.

velocirobbie commented 4 years ago

Workflow for HybrId Multiscale SimulatIon, Yes! WHIMSY

velocirobbie commented 4 years ago

CHUM | Coupling Hybrid mUltiscale Methods WRHYME | WoRkflow for HYbrid Multiscale mEthods WHIMS | Workflow for HybrId Multiscale Simulation

velocirobbie commented 4 years ago

MUESLI | MUltiscalE SimuLatIon WHYS | Workflow for HYbrid Simulation and finally, a genuine suggestions from acronymify.com WORST | WORkflow SimulaTion

mvassaux commented 4 years ago

the BONUS (Bridging atOmic to coNtinuum concUrrent multiScale) workflow the BOURNE (Bridging atOmic continUum concuRreNt multiscalE) legacy method

velocirobbie commented 4 years ago

these are terrible, only 5% of the letters are at the start of words!!

mvassaux commented 4 years ago

Done, WRHYME (WoRkflow for HYbrid Multiscale mEthods) won the vote (100%, one participant).

velocirobbie commented 4 years ago

Did you ask peter?

mvassaux commented 4 years ago

SCEMa that is!