UCL-RITS / rcps-buildscripts

Scripts to automate package builds on RC Platforms
MIT License
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Install Request: FreeSurfer 7.4 #544

Closed heatherkellyucl closed 4 months ago

heatherkellyucl commented 11 months ago


Wanted for EasyReg "deep learning registration of brain MRI", which exists in 7.4: https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/EasyReg

Uses tensorflow? Checking to see which version it would want to install as the docs do not say.

Paper A ready-to-use machine learning tool for symmetric multi-modality registration of brain MRI says "The networks are implemented in TensorFlow/Keras. Crucially, the inference code is implemented in a version of Python that is distributed with FreeSurfer, such that users do not need to create virtual environments and install dependencies."

balston commented 8 months ago

Build script:


ready to test on Myriad.

balston commented 8 months ago

build script is erroring at the MATLAB runtime stage:

ERROR: must set FREESURFER_HOME before installing
INFO: if you're using sudo, make sure to pass the FS home variable with

We didn't need this with the previous version. Will correct and rerun.

balston commented 8 months ago

I think it needs to be:


trying this in the build script.

balston commented 8 months ago

This time the build script completes with out errors.

balston commented 8 months ago

module file ready.

Now need to test.

balston commented 8 months ago

Almost there - I forgot to download and install an updated license file.

balston commented 8 months ago

With an updated license file my test job looks more promising - it's been running for 20 mins now.

balston commented 8 months ago

Test job worked! Took almost 3 hours to run.

balston commented 8 months ago

User contacted.

heatherkellyucl commented 4 months ago

(Does this still need installing anywhere else or is it done?)

balston commented 4 months ago

FreeSurfer doesn't support MPI so we don't really need to install it on Kathleen.