UPenn-RoboCup / UPennalizers

Open Source Repository for Team UPennalizers
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Standardize Naming Schemes #8

Closed jbrindza closed 12 years ago

jbrindza commented 12 years ago

It would be nice to have a standardized way to name new platforms. This would mainly be for indicating simulation vs the real robot platforms. Also, removing the ambiguous name 'Webots' for what is really the Nao Webots platform.

I propose just using camel-cased with the first letter capitalize. No spaces or underscores. If it is for a simulation the simulator name should be prepended. e.g: Nao OP WebotsNao WebotsOP

Config Files should also follow a general format to make it easier to find the files needed: Right now we have many different styles used for config names: Config_OP_Camera_Webots.lua Config_Webots_OP_Walk.lua Config_Webots_Nao_Vision.lua Config_Webots_Walk.lua

These should all be made in a standardized fashion: Config.lua

The previous examples would become: (respectively) Config_WebotsOP_Camera.lua Config_WebotsOP_Walk.lua Config_WebotsNao_Vision.lua Config_WebotsNo_Walk.lua

This will require a good amount of refactoring to change but I think the long term gains are worth it.

jbrindza commented 12 years ago

This should also be extended to the Platform specific libraries.

LibraryName e.g. NaoKinematics WebotsNaoKinematics OPKinematics WebotsOPKinematics
yida commented 12 years ago

Standard naming has been done in trunk, including platform library

yida commented 12 years ago

tested on Nao

yida commented 12 years ago

tested on op