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Mark Daniels bio submission #60

Closed urnbot closed 5 years ago

urnbot commented 5 years ago

End user submitted issue from page: /collect/person/

'Submit an almni bio' form submission

Field Data
Name Mark Daniels
Grad Year 1995
Course Russian with Serbo-Croat BA

Bio1 (Time at station)

Lots of fun times. I remember once needing to go to the toilet in the middle of a show, and we were in those old brick buildings that I think got knocked down a while back now. I had to put on a really long song (Stairway to Heaven, or something!), lock up the station and RUN down to the end of the block where the toilets were, then run back, unlock and get back in before the record ended, as dead air was and is still probably a big no-no. I seem to remember it was a close-run thing.

The digital era hadn't really got off the ground then, so we still used to edit stuff together by literally cutting Revox tape up and sticking together it with tape, that was fun too.

Also, it was a huge amount of fun playing records off vinyl, using the faders to start records, giving them a lead-in of a few seconds to spin up to speed, timing them into the news at the top of the hour, loved doing it, it was very hands-on, CDs were only gradually coming into use.

Bio2 (Post-graduation)

I moved to Serbia and am now a professional translator/interpreter. I have not done much radio work since, but I do a lot of public speaking (including conference interpreting) and have also done quite a lot of voiceover work (like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r1JNnFjgag), which URN definitely helped prepare me for!

Field Data
Checked careers
Other careers undefined


https://www.linkedin.com/in/odista/ http://www.odista.com/


Oh, I can't remember, I wasn't one of the "big names" - I did an early morning show (pre-breakfast) and sometimes a Saturday afternoon, I think. Mostly 1994-1995.




I don't think so.

Contact Preferences

Are we allowed to facilitate contact to this alumnus? Yes

Attempted File Generation

title: Mark Daniels
  - Russian with Serbo-Croat BA
graduated: 1995
contact_allowed: true

links: *fill me out
award: *fill me out
I don't think so.
submitted: 2018-10-03

Lots of fun times. I remember once needing to go to the toilet in the middle of a show, and we were in those old brick buildings that I think got knocked down a while back now. I had to put on a really long song (Stairway to Heaven, or something!), lock up the station and RUN down to the end of the block where the toilets were, then run back, unlock and get back in before the record ended, as dead air was and is still probably a big no-no. I seem to remember it was a close-run thing.

The digital era hadn't really got off the ground then, so we still used to edit stuff together by literally cutting Revox tape up and sticking together it with tape, that was fun too.

Also, it was a huge amount of fun playing records off vinyl, using the faders to start records, giving them a lead-in of a few seconds to spin up to speed, timing them into the news at the top of the hour, loved doing it, it was very hands-on, CDs were only gradually coming into use.

I moved to Serbia and am now a professional translator/interpreter. I have not done much radio work since, but I do a lot of public speaking (including conference interpreting) and have also done quite a lot of voiceover work (like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5r1JNnFjgag), which URN definitely helped prepare me for!
