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Fatty Acid Mappings for `TFA` are missing #122

Open hhimanshu opened 1 year ago

hhimanshu commented 1 year ago

Hello here,

In the Nutrients data, there are mappings for fats that start with TFA. For example,

TFA 14:1 t
TFA 16:1 t
TFA 18:1 t
TFA 22:1 t
TFA 18:2 t

There are more like these in the downloaded dataset. To learn about the mappings, I am referring to USDA food data documentation, where these mappings are unavailable. The link where mappings are is here which refers to Apr2022.pdf.

I am wondering if there is a newer PDF that can help find Common, and Systematic names for fatty acids starting with TFA. Could someone please help?

KyleMcKillop-USDA commented 1 year ago

Hi @hhimanshu, Thank you for the suggestion. I will send the mapping document for a re-review of the TFA (trans fatty acids) to add the common and systematic names you are looking for.

hhimanshu commented 1 year ago

Thank you, @Kyle-McKillop , looking forward