USDepartmentofLabor / Ilab-do-good

ILab Do Good
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Functional - iOS- Main Steps Image Text Not in Spanish #96

Closed jfc3-dol closed 6 years ago

jfc3-dol commented 6 years ago

The Steps background image needs a version with text for Spanish. The text that shows up when you hover is only in English on the Spanish screen. I know VoiceOver is reading them all in English even though they are supposed to be in Spanish on the screen.

ghost commented 6 years ago


jfc3-dol commented 6 years ago

The Steps image is now in Spanish when the language is set to Spanish.

The pop-up text to tell the user what each set is working when tapped. Need to double tap to go to the detail screen for a given step.

Closing issue. Will check later if VoiceOver reads the pop-ups of not if not will open an issue.