Estimating emissions for mobile sources
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Incorrect hotelling emissions with custom hotelling inputs and preaggregation #54

Closed danielbizercox closed 1 year ago

danielbizercox commented 1 year ago

When MOVES is run with custom hotelling inputs (e.g., HotellingHoursPerDay) with the advanced feature of Annual Preaggregation selected, MOVES will estimate hotelling emissions too high by a factor of 12. However, note that if HotellingMonthAdjust is also provided, MOVES correctly estimates emissions. That is, this annual preaggregation error only occurs if custom hotelling inputs are provided without also providing HotellingMonthAdjust. It is present at both County Scale and Default Scale.

In addition, MOVES does not correctly incorporate user input data in hotelling tables when running in Default Scale with State or Nation preaggregation.

These issues affect all versions of MOVES3, and will be fixed in a future release of MOVES.

For the annual preaggregation issue, a workaround is to run with monthly preaggregation instead of annual preaggregation. There is no known workaround for the geographic preaggregation issue.