USEPA / Phytoplankton-Data-Analysis

Phytoplankton Data Analysis
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2EFR-BETHEL20111012 - Sample ID phrase to 5 digit location #9

Open mjpdenver opened 10 years ago

mjpdenver commented 10 years ago

In file Drew data/q/EFR2011 CT Data organized.xlsx sheet Bethel,

he Sample.Desciption ( ie. Sample ID) is 1 2EFR-BETHEL20111012. I assume Bethel is the location on lake EFR. Is this correct?



jbeaulie commented 10 years ago

Yes, Bethel is the location in the lake. This is another example of the narrative site IDs we discussed in issue 4. 'Bethel' is equivalent to 'Bethel ramp' and should be replaced with the formal site id '21001' (see the table in issue 4). For the example above, the code should read: 2EFR2100120111012