USNavalResearchLaboratory / norm

NACK-Oriented Reliable Multicast (NORM) implementation & tools (RFCs 5740, 5401)
96 stars 33 forks source link No module named 'pynorm.extra.pipeparser' #60

Open honglei opened 2 years ago

honglei commented 2 years ago

In examples\python\

from pynorm.extra.pipeparser import PipeParser 
bebopagogo commented 2 years ago

The "" is an incomplete file that is not functional. I will add comments to that effect. It was supposed to provide an example of how to process the NORM debug output which can be (as a sort of "hack" approach) optionally redirected to a local "ProtoPipe" (Unix domain socket on Unix systems and named pipe on Windows) but it looks like the code it references was not ever added to the source code repository.

I plan to provide NORM API calls that can access the statistics that are output in the debug output since parsing the text debug log output is not a good practice.

honglei commented 2 years ago

function NormGetTxRate is missing in pynorm/, users need a way to find out the status of sender. When sending files, NORM_TX_OBJECT_PURGED is never emitted, is it correct?

Proto Info: ProtoDebug>SetDebugLevel: debug level changed from 1 to 12
Sending file out.txt
Proto Debug: NormSession::SenderQueueFlush() node>3232367303, flush queued (flush_count:1)...
Proto Debug: NormSession::SenderQueueFlush() starting flush timeout: 0.532600 sec ....
Proto Debug: NormSession::OnFlushTimeout() deactivating flush_timer ....
Proto Debug: NormSession::SenderQueueFlush() node>3232367303, flush queued (flush_count:2)...
Proto Debug: NormSession::SenderQueueFlush() starting flush timeout: 0.532600 sec ....
Proto Debug: NormSession::SenderHandleAckMessage() node>3232367303 sender received ACK from node>3232243457 rtt>0.001276
Proto Debug: NormSession::SenderHandleCCFeedback() cc feedback recvd at time 1657007064.0.523851  ccRate:  153.516 ccRtt:0.001276 ccLoss:0.000005 ccFlags:20
Proto Debug: NormSession::OnProbeTimeout() node>3232367303 decreased to new grtt to: 0.246600 sec