I'm working with the RealSense D435i Camera and the given examples in the repository.
When I run the example the first 10 seconds everything is fine.
When I walk with the camera after some seconds the error below happens.
I have seen some issues with the same problem and the solution was to build the Release version and not Debug. #145
In my case I am already building as Release because its set by default in build.sh and this problem is still there.
Can anyone help with this?
Thank you.
TLM: PoseInertialOptimizationLastKeyFrame
TRACK: Track with motion model
TLM: PoseInertialOptimizationLastFrame
TRACK: Track with motion model
TLM: PoseInertialOptimizationLastKeyFrame
TRACK: Track with motion model
TLM: PoseInertialOptimizationLastFrame
TRACK: Track with motion model
TLM: PoseInertialOptimizationLastKeyFrame
stereo_inertial_realsense_D435i: /home/ws/ORB_SLAM3_UZ-SLAMLab/src/Optimizer.cc:2837: static void ORB_SLAM3::Optimizer::LocalInertialBA(ORB_SLAM3::KeyFrame*, bool*, ORB_SLAM3::Map*, int&, int&, int&, int&, bool, bool): Zusicherung »mit->second>=3« nicht erfüllt.
Hello, I'm working with the RealSense D435i Camera and the given examples in the repository. When I run the example the first 10 seconds everything is fine. When I walk with the camera after some seconds the error below happens. I have seen some issues with the same problem and the solution was to build the Release version and not Debug. #145
In my case I am already building as Release because its set by default in
and this problem is still there. Can anyone help with this? Thank you.