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[Conduit] Does not work as of newest release (0.5.0) #1460

Open jfowl opened 1 year ago

jfowl commented 1 year ago

TL;DR: Pre-build binaries are glibc-incompatible with uberspace, guide broken.

Previously, Conduit was available as a statically linked binary, so it also worked here. Due to static compilation misery complications, I dropped that and switched to just linking to the default glibc of Debian bullseye, which is a tad newer than CentOS 7's glibc. As a result, 0.5 prebuilt binaries do not work on Uberspace anymore. As a result, the download URLs changed, so following the guide's first step results in a 404.

Building conduit on Uberspace with cargo build also does not work, due to missing build dependencies (libclang-dev, on debian).

So until further notice, this guide is broken, and new conduit versions can't be installed. The latest working version can be retrieved at https://gitlab.com/famedly/conduit/-/package_files/43706908/download.

I'll try to remember to update this if I get around to build Conduit with an old enough glibc version to work here or if static builds are possible again.

23n commented 1 year ago

Is there any news here? It would be great to be able to bring Conduit up to date.

jfowl commented 1 year ago

Is there any news here? It would be great to be able to bring Conduit up to date.

Sorry, no capacity right now. I remember seeing some success at static-building with https://github.com/rust-cross/cargo-zigbuild in the conduit chat though: https://matrix.to/#/!SMloEYlhCiqKwRLAgY:fachschaften.org/$5kog8JFrjMv1W6Pt4jNd_TKfqIMprTAaVMS05ifpRCA?via=flipdot.org&via=matrix.org&via=envs.net

So maybe this is a possibility for you to take a dig at it

23n commented 1 year ago

Version 0.6.0 is out, do we have a chance to get it running again on an Uberspace? I'm still stuck on v0.4.0.

jfowl commented 1 year ago

So I was nearly able to compile it on wild.uberspace.de with rocksdb disabled:

git clone https://gitlab.com/famedly/conduit.git /tmp/conduit --depth 1
cd /tmp/conduit
cargo build --no-default-features --features "conduit_bin,backend_sqlite"

But it got killed with signal 9, so I assume uberspace's resource restrictions do not allow such CPU hungry compile times.

So maybe this is a way to go forward :)

coderkun commented 1 year ago

In case anyone cares, Dendrite works well on Uberspace. If I find some time, I will submit a guide for it.

samuelhaeussler commented 8 months ago

In case anyone cares, Dendrite works well on Uberspace. If I find some time, I will submit a guide for it.

I tried myself setting up dendrite, but couldn't get it running. Do you have some documentation for it?

coderkun commented 8 months ago

In case anyone cares, Dendrite works well on Uberspace. If I find some time, I will submit a guide for it.

I tried myself setting up dendrite, but couldn't get it running. Do you have some documentation for it?

Not yet but I created #1712 for it.