UdacityAndroidDevScholarship / quiz-app

This application is a collaborative project made by the Google Udacity Android Developer Scholars.
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Login screen UI #18

Closed drulabs closed 6 years ago

drulabs commented 6 years ago

Complete by: 16-April-2018, EOD

Note: App's color scheme will be decided based on the best UI implementation.

Sample UI Mockup : https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kCM_axXbQkgSOD7iAhxI0gCaxMQ_OdVl

AjaySharvesh3 commented 6 years ago

Shall I claim this @drulabs

thayumaanavan commented 6 years ago

Yes @AjaySharvesh3 . Please go ahead. But make sure you create PR before the deadline.

AjaySharvesh3 commented 6 years ago

Sure @thayumaanavan I'm working on this issue.

Jap-Leen commented 6 years ago

Hi! I would like to work on this issue. Thanks!

thayumaanavan commented 6 years ago

Yes, you can start working @Jap-Leen

intkhabahmed commented 6 years ago

@thayumaanavan why are you assigning one issue to multiple people?

Jap-Leen commented 6 years ago

@intkhabahmed many people can work on the same issue and submit their PR before the deadline. The best PR will be finally merged into the project.

intkhabahmed commented 6 years ago

but as you can see the mockup is same and code to make it will be same obviously, so how the quality will be defined, because its a layout code and not logical code

thayumaanavan commented 6 years ago

@intkhabahmed Adding to @Jap-Leen We have more contributors(currently around 500 in collab channel) so if we assign one person per issue, others will not get a chance to contribute. We wanted to give chance for everyone. Each will have different way of thinking and implementing the same functionality. We kept deadlines so that we can have a demo app before end of phase 1.

Bonus point is it will help in getting selected for phase 2 as well. 😉

thayumaanavan commented 6 years ago

@intkhabahmed mock-up given in the link is for sample purpose. You can come up with different design.

intkhabahmed commented 6 years ago

So I can also work on it then?

thayumaanavan commented 6 years ago

Yes you can @intkhabahmed

JuhiGupta77 commented 6 years ago

Hello, could I work on Login app

thayumaanavan commented 6 years ago

Yes you can @JuhiGupta77

JuhiGupta77 commented 6 years ago

How to submit the project?

thayumaanavan commented 6 years ago

@JuhiGupta77 once you are done with the layout, you can create PR to our Dev branch. We will select the best one after deadline. For more info, you can check out the contribution guidelines and you can also post your queries in quiz slack channel.

sidhuparas commented 6 years ago

Let me give it a try. One question: who will decide the best one? Will there be voting or will mods/co-mods select the one?

sagarsrao commented 6 years ago

The best will be decided when you complete your work and raise your PR and it will be decided by all the mods/co-mods respectively.

nihanth876 commented 6 years ago

can i work on this issue

vishal-sehgal commented 6 years ago

@nihanth876 Yes go ahead.

sagarsrao commented 6 years ago


kaushiknsanji commented 6 years ago

Can I also try on this? I just need a PR! :)

thayumaanavan commented 6 years ago

yes @kaushiknsanji

Devesh1396 commented 6 years ago

I will work on this!

derrickabreo commented 6 years ago

I'll try to do one as well.

vishal-sehgal commented 6 years ago

@derrickabreo sure, but take care of the contribution and coding guidelines. :)

ritesh-singh commented 6 years ago

How the mods and co-mods are gonna decide the best layout. Is it on the basis of

  1. How it is designed in terms of UI, or
  2. How the performance of the layout is, by using Hierarchy Viewer or
  3. The layout is designed in a way, such that it supports different screens, or
  4. If hardcode strings and all are used or not, or you guys will be considering all above.

And, if considering all above checks, then for every PR you have to run and check everyones apk.

I feel, allowing everyone to do the same task is not a right approach, maybe you can allow 2 to 3 people and ask him to consider all of the above as per mock. And then on the basis of his/her work, you can consider next time.

Just my thought.

Happy coding..!!

aditisoni8899 commented 6 years ago

@ritesh-singh Thank you for the suggestion. I totally agree with your thought. But we have a workaround for solving this problem. Our team has prepared a PR template in which the contributor needs to submit a screenshot of his/her work before and after solving the issue. This thing will reduce our overhead and help us to manage the PR's. As in above comments @thayumaanavan has mentioned we are more than 500 people and by assigning a task to only 2 to 3 is not an efficient way. We want that every scholar will be able to contribute to our project.

ritesh-singh commented 6 years ago

@aditisoni8899 Great. Now, I am thinking of doing the same in blood donation app. 😆

vansh1sh commented 6 years ago

@ritesh-singh Additionally, If there is some hardcoded strings/in-efficient code used, we will ask the contributor to make the required changes/corrections and commit the improved code. Github provides a very good functionality for the same.

aditisoni8899 commented 6 years ago

@ritesh-singh Great! It is all about learning from each other :) Go ahead. And do Let us know if you have something great which we can implement in our project.

vansh1sh commented 6 years ago

We'll be closing this issue since the deadline has passed. PRs will be reviewed shortly.