I have alter the framework slightly to make the credential management more common.
I separated assets and credentials from each other and make it more accesable using NetworkCredentials with supports Strings as well as SecureStrings.
Added a sheet 'Credentials' in Config.xlsx which holds the name of the Credential Information.
Load the credentials into a seperate dictionary named 'Credentials'
The dictionary has 'Net.NetworkCredential' as value type because UiPath.OrchestratorClient.Credential' doesn´t supports SecureString and String at the same time
Credentials can be called like 'in_credentials("ACMEDemo").Username'
Added in_ConfigurationPath as argument in Main.xaml to load a different config when needed (e.x. loading a test configuration)
I have alter the framework slightly to make the credential management more common. I separated assets and credentials from each other and make it more accesable using NetworkCredentials with supports Strings as well as SecureStrings.