Umbranoxio / BeatSaberModInstaller

Automatically installs Beat Saber mods with a single click
687 stars 163 forks source link

Needs New Update #103

Closed PyrexianYT closed 5 years ago

PyrexianYT commented 5 years ago

There's a new update for Beat Saber and because of this, the old mods no longer work so we desperately need a new update for the mod installer soon.

phiresky commented 5 years ago

duplicate of #101. you should learn how github works before spamming people with emails.

Baysen commented 5 years ago

duplicate of #101. you should learn how github works before spamming people with emails.

They want to report that their game doesn't work, not become a programer and send pull requests. Don't be so hard on them.

notyoyoma commented 5 years ago

@RemizZ Every internet forum ever has the concept of "Search for an existing thread before submitting a new one."

Of course, there is no need for the end users to learn source control just to submit an issue, but it is common sense to search beforehand.

phiresky commented 5 years ago

@asolano86 It's possible to have a tiny bit of respect when joining new communities, which implies spending a bit of time (like 5 minutes would have been enough) to try and understand it. 80 people get an email whenever someone creates an issue here.

One of the main reasons why open source projects die is because of the stress for maintainers that users cause who feel entitled to get more free stuff while doing absolutely nothing to contribute (not even a few minutes of their time). See here and here.

phiresky commented 5 years ago

None of these people bothered to help others by saying how they solved their problem (which at least some of them surely did by using modsaber instead). All they did was waste the time of other people and immediately stop caring once they figured it out.

And yeah these aren't that bad but you really think "rly need it help" and "we desperately need a new update" don't sound like entitlement? The only one that sounds respectful is #101.

notyoyoma commented 5 years ago

In his first comment @phiresky linked to issue #101 In which @fr34q gives a temporary workaround.

He did help. He probably could have been more explicit and said "There's a solution here..." but even that wouldn't be correct, because there isn't a perfect fix yet.

Please also note: so far 4 issues have been raised in the last 5 days. That's frustrating for the devs, and (per the links @phiresky shared) runs the risk of hurting their motivation. We're all humans here, and nobody expects (devs or users) to be perfect. But courtesy is how we deal politely with each other, and we should expect that.

notyoyoma commented 5 years ago

@asolano86 You said:

you guys need to drop your attitude... Politics like this... Is there no update on this mod yet?

You created an account on March 16, 2019, have contributed nothing, and are now:

  1. Criticizing the people who spent their time to give you free stuff
  2. Asking "Is there no update yet?"
  3. Telling those people to "Calm down" and "Chill out"

Please, please, please, just learn to be courteous. The Open Source community is full of amazing people who will gladly take time to help new people. But you need to be willing to spend your own time to read and understand before making demands.

Baysen commented 5 years ago

@phiresky I don't think it was meant to be entitled. I am a developer myself, I know how frustrating cutomsers are. Should they have looked for 10 seconds to see there is another issue like this? Yes. But this site can be confusing for newcomers. Thank you for your work, which brings us all amazing joy, but please don't say they are entitled when they just wanted to report a broken game :)

megalon commented 5 years ago

Hey, I'm an admin on the Beat Saber Modding Group Discord server and an admin on ModSaber as well. Maybe I can clear a few things about this project.

The Mod Manager is just an application that gets the latest mods from

This project doesn't control any of the individual mods, it just gives you an easy way to download them.

The creator of this project (Umbranox, aka Umbranoxio as it shows on GitHub) was hired by Beat Games several months ago to bring official multiplayer into Beat Saber, and has since become a major part of the team. He even moved to Prague within the last few months (from Australia!) to work full time at the Beat Games studio.

Umbranox is also the owner and sole developer of, the unofficial leaderboard website that tracks your scores for custom songs if you have the ScoreSaber mod installed (which he also developed). ScoreSaber is also responsible for the ranking system (pp), and has their own Discord server with a ranking team that decides which maps get ranked based on community suggestions and a ranking criteria.

That is a lot for one person to handle, and the Mod Manager project has clearly become a low priority. We've tried reaching out to Umbra to fix some of the issues or have him transfer the project to someone else, but as far as we can tell he's just too busy. As a result, the creator of ModSaber, lolPants, released the ModSaber Installer. It's a complete rewrite of the Mod Manager that accomplishes all of the same goals, fixes many issues, has more features, and is in active development.

You may as well unfollow the Mod Manager, because I don't see it getting any updates in the future.

If you want to follow active development of Beat Saber mods, get help, or just connect with the community, join the Discord server You'll notice this is the same link from the "Help" tab within the Mod Manager. Virtually all of the mod developers are in there, including Umbranox.

And if you want to join the ScoreSaber Discord

Apologies for any mistakes in this post, I'm currently on vacation and typing this up on my phone.

phiresky commented 5 years ago

Thank you for all the information @megalon

Baysen commented 5 years ago

Thank you @megalon ! Didn't even know there was a rewrite. This is also a big reason why open source projects die. The creator just abandons a project without even saying a word to the community he/she created, which is sad :(

notyoyoma commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the update and background @megalon.

bearboman commented 5 years ago

Thank you for the update and being a great community member/creator @megalon You are the kind of person places like this need and continue to thrive because of. Not some elitist jerk who comes by and says "Your so stupid for asking questions, stop being stupid cause we're better than you..." We appreciate that! Much obliged friend!

phiresky commented 5 years ago

@bearboman Me and the others trying to maintain order here might have been jerks, but we were at least open about it and I still directed users to the solution of their problem (7 days ago). Every single person here with a new account and no contributions did not even realize they were being jerks by feeling entitled to complain while disregarding standard practice of the developer community, wasting everyone's time while not helping anyone.

Being passive aggressive about it is also unhelpful.

bearboman commented 5 years ago

@phiresky Trolls don't get to pretend they are helpful... even when they claim they're just "telling it like it is..." Maybe you should reexamine how you interact with the community as a whole and stop pretending that just because YOU have contributed code, you get to treat others like crap. That's the exact definition of elitist... weather you like it or not...

Baysen commented 5 years ago

@phiresky like I said, there was absolutely no entitlement in ANY of their posts. The word 'desperately' is not automatically entitlement. You seem to project some personal problems onto this. They all just want their game to work again and have fun. They are thankful for your work, otherwise they wouldn't even bother to make an account on a page they have nothing to do with.

phiresky commented 5 years ago

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ frustration about these things builds up over time, but in most cases it is more constructive to ignore it and to be respectful in order to not discourage people from contributing. If you've ever moderated a forum or maintained some public project i'm sure you know what i'm talking about.

i chose this place to vent because it was clear from the start that none of the people that created an account here just to demand free stuff were planning on helping out anyways, so there was no harm to be done.

And just as a note, communities usually don't actually become better when you add more and more pure consumers. Just like adding leeches doesn't improve one's health and adding leechers doesn't improve a torrent. I'm not actually a contributor on this project either, but if I was I couldn't care less about people being offended by my directness unless they were actually trying to become a part of it.

@RemizZ It may seem to you that way but I ensure you that any open source maintainer you show the three duplicate issues here would interpret them just like I did, though they might be nicer about it. Imagine someone putting a box with cookies somewhere free for taking and then multiple people calling that person and saying "i desperately need you to make more cookies asap but this time please add vanilla" (not even bothering to spend 30sec to check that 4 other people have already made the same request and they could have +1'd that).

notyoyoma commented 5 years ago

@bearboman, @RemizZ there are now 5 issues. All people who didn't take a tiny amount of time to follow typical internet forum courtesy. That is a problem, and @phiresky was trying to address that problem. He was a bit harsh, but his sentiment was correct.

Before defending people for "just wanting to play their game", note that the original issue #101 has 23 👍. #102, #103, #104, and #105 have 9 👍 combined. So the vast majority of people were able to figure out how to use the system. The 4 people who submitted after #101 didn't take the time to read before submitting their issue. If we can give those 4 people a quick kick in the pants so next time they read for 5 minutes before adding their own issues, we should.

Edit: If you want to see what my idea of "a kick in the pants" looks like. Here. I'm a softie, but I probably haven't been through as much shit as @phiresky.

MartijnVooges commented 5 years ago

Geez what a waste of bytes this convo is. The guy should've done some basic research, yes. But how thirteen replies about it any better? I suggest we keep it at this, and show how professional GITters behave, by example :)

Thanks for the explanation, but the other repo's don't work for me, all 404. Others get that too?

phiresky commented 5 years ago

@MartijnVooges Yep, 404 for me as well. Googled it, see here for more info:

phiresky commented 5 years ago

another post here: not really more info though. looks like the maintainer of modsaber just rage quit

megalon commented 5 years ago

ModSaber has shut down, and the ModSaber Installer no longer works either.

Please join the Beat Saber Modding Group Discord server for the most up to date news in the #server-announcements channel

At the time of this writing, this is the best way to install mods right now.

LINKS Here's a link to all the mods that were on ModSaber as of this morning Here are manual instructions to installing mods:

phiresky commented 5 years ago

for reference: some forks of the code base are still alive. This is the newest I could find:

Sadly I can't find any fork of the modsaber repository and it does not exist in the wayback machine.

phiresky commented 5 years ago

According to google cache, the lolpants repo was on Latest commit 6eee33a 6 days ago so the above fork is not current.

Wayback machine has some of the releases and code. Not sure if it's enough to reconstruct the current version if it was necessary.

There should be three forks of the modsaber repo, but I can't find them. They might have gotten deleted with the main repo. I hope someone with a copy of the code steps up or lolpants changes their mind.

I've saved copies of most of what I found.

phiresky commented 5 years ago

Found the three forks of ModSaber itself:

they are old though

ghost commented 5 years ago

I am deleting my account. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why you have to be such a huge asshole and bully @phiresky - Github should ban you, and your account was reported, with the screenshots before you deleted everything you were telling me. People like you need to go jump off a bridge. Bye, no MOD is worth the type of harassment you get for asking for help.

phiresky commented 5 years ago

Just for the record for everyone else - I literally just told @shootingwater (now @shootingwaters lol) to please either contribute or be quiet instead of complaining meaninglessly, and I stand by everything I said.. It's kinda hilarious.

@shootingwaters I've reported you for derogatory and sexist language, and threatening me with my personal address. image


