Hello, I hope you're well.
At this time a link to the web application has not been established because I need to work with my close community to establish a proper baseline for certain functions mainly around security(people's information) and authentication of instruments.
If you have any immediate questions you would like to ask and can't find a resource on this repo to help you, feel free to send an email to Micr.Support@capsulescure.io. Response time is around 24-48 hours.
At this time since it’s just me(Award Malisi), I will be going with the ABDFL(Alleged-Benevolent Dictator For Life) for the time being. If people join up with me on this project, I’ll definitely entertain the idea of a different leadership structure. I am more along the lines of someone who believes one should be skillful in leading and following.
The MICR(Musical Instrument Compendium and Registry) is a digital compendium and registry for guitars and basses(at this time), that also acts as software to assist guitarists and bassists if their instrument is ever stolen or goes missing.
You can follow the roadmap of the project by navigating to the ‘Milestones’ page provided by Github, you can find it here.
The current milestone is for version 0.5 of the project and is titled 'My Dedication', below is the goal of the milestone:
The goal of v0.5 is to set up the infrastructure and documentation for the project so that I can then invite a select few individuals who can scrutinize the project to help it be properly structured and healthy for any contributions from the greater public, a proper start is the only way to go about things.
One of the main ideas of this project is to allow a wide range of individuals with varied skill sets to participate, below are some examples of what an individual can provide for this project. Please be sure to read the full ‘How To Contribute’ document here.
Examples of where one can see themselves contributing:
This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE(version 3), you can review it here I will update this section in the near future as to why I chose the GNU GPLv3 license.
Please send any emails you have regarding security vulnerabilities to Micr.Support@capsulescure.io. Feel free to also use this email address if you cannot find a resource to answer your immediate question.