Unity-Technologies / Addressables-Sample

Demo project using Addressables package
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Demo project using Addressables package

These samples are broken up into projects based on high level functionality. These are intended as jumping off points for your own development. These have not been tested, and are not guaranteed to work in your situation. They are just examples, to make some concepts easier to understand, or easier to replicate in your own project. Use at your own risk.

Note: Please report any bugs found through the regular bug submission process https://unity3d.com/unity/qa/bug-reporting. For any questions, create a new thread on the Unity Forums https://forum.unity.com/forums/addressables.156/.


Basic/Basic AssetReference

Several sample scenes to display functionality surrounding the asset reference class.

Basic/Scene Loading

The ins and outs of scene loading.


This example creates an AssetReference that is restricted to having a specific Component.

Basic/Sprite Land

2019.3.0a11+ - Sprite demo is back. There was an engine bug causing a crash when loading out of sprite sheets that caused us to remove this demo. This is in 2019.3 alpha, and is being backported to 2019.2 and 2018.4. If you use this demo, and your game crashes, or you get warnings about "gfx" not on main thread, you don't have a fixed version of the platform. There are three sprite access methods currently demo'd in this sample. The on-screen button will change functionality with each click, so you can demo the methods in order.

Basic/Space Shooter (Legacy)

Referenced in past Unite video(s):

A very simple Unity tutorial that we converted to use addressables. The main code file to look at would be Done_GameController.cs, but in general, this is just meant as a simple project to explore.

Advanced/Addressables Variants (Legacy)

Referenced in past Unite video(s):

An example project to show two use cases or workflows for creating "variants". The new build pipeline (Scriptable Build Pipeline) upon which Addressables is built, does not support asset bundle variants. This old mechanism was useful in many instances, so this sample is meant to show how to accomplish similar results for one of those instances.

Advanced/Custom Analyze Rule

This sample shows how to create custom AnalyzeRules for use within the Analyze window. Both rules follow the recommended pattern for adding themselves to the UI. There are no scenes to look at in this project, just analyze code.

Advanced/Play Asset Delivery

An example project that shows how to use Unity's Play Asset Delivery API with Addressables. SampleScene (located in 'Assets/Scenes') contains 3 buttons that will load or unload an asset assigned to a specific delivery type.

Note: Play Asset Delivery requires Unity 2019.4+. This project uses Unity 2020.3.15f2.

Use this project as a guide to make custom asset packs. If you don't want to use custom asset packs, follow the instructions in Play Asset Delivery to use the Play Asset Delivery API with the default Addressables configuration.

You can use the default Addressables configuration in this case because the AddressablesPlayerBuildProcessor moves all content located in Addressables.BuildPath to the streaming assets path. Unity assigns streaming assets to the generated asset packs.

Basic Workflow
  1. Assign an Addressable Group to an asset pack. You can assign multiple groups to the same asset pack. If you do this, you should be aware of the size restrictions that each delivery mode has. For more information, see Android's Play Asset Delivery documentation.
    • By default, Addressables includes the content of any groups that use Addressables.BuildPath in the streaming asset path.
    • For additional custom asset packs, you must create an “{asset pack name}.androidpack” directory in the Assets folder for each asset pack. Optionally add a .gradle file to this directory to specify the asset pack's delivery type. The default type is "on-demand" delivery. For more information, see the example in the BuildScriptPlayerAssetDelivery.cs file in this project.
  2. To assign an AssetBundle to an asset pack, move the .bundle file to the “{asset pack name}.androidpack” directory (see PlayAssetDeliveryBuildProcessor.cs). We also maintain a system that keeps track of all our custom asset pack names which bundles are assigned to them (see BuildScriptPlayerAssetDelivery.cs and PlayAssetDeliveryInitialization.cs).
  3. Build the Android App Bundle and upload it to the Google Play Console to generate the APK.
  4. At runtime, download asset packs before loading bundles from them (see PlayAssetDeliveryAssetBundleProvider.cs).
Configure Build & Player Settings

Configure Unity to build Android App Bundles. For more information see "Play Asset Delivery".

  1. Go to File > Build Settings and set the Platform property to Android. If Export Project is enabled, enable Export for App Bundle. Otherwise, enable Build App Bundle (Google Play).
  2. If you want any bundled content to use "install-time" delivery, enable Split Application Binary in Edit > Project Settings > Player > Publishing Settings.
Configure custom Addressables scripts

The sample project uses custom Addressables scripts that make it easier to build and load AssetBundles assigned to asset packs.

Addressables imports most of the scripts automatically, but you need to manually configure some assets in the AddressableAssetSettings:

  1. In the Build and Play Mode Scripts list add the custom data builder asset (BuildScriptPlayAssetDelivery.asset).
  2. In the Asset Group Templates list add the custom group template (Asset Pack Content.asset).
  3. In the Initialization Objects list add the custom initialization object (PlayAssetDeliveryInitializationSettings.asset).
Assign Addressables Groups to asset packs
  1. Go to the Addressables Groups window (Window > Asset Management > Addressables Groups) toolbar and select Create > Group > Asset Pack Content to create a new group whose content will be assigned to an asset pack. The group contains 2 schemas Content Packing & Loading and Play Asset Delivery.
  2. Specify the assigned asset pack in Play Asset Delivery schema. Select Manage Asset Packs to modify custom asset packs.
    • Assign all content intended for "install-time" delivery to the "InstallTimeContent" asset pack. This is a "placeholder" asset pack that is representative of the generated asset packs. No custom asset pack named "InstallTimeContent" is actually created.
    • In most cases the generated asset packs will use "install-time" delivery, but in large projects it may use "fast-follow" delivery instead. For more information see "Generated Asset Packs".
    • Note: To exclude the group from the asset pack either disable Include In Asset Pack or remove the Play Asset Delivery schema. Additionally make sure that its Content Packing & Loading > Build Path property does not use the Addressables.BuildPath or Application.streamingAssetsPath. Any content in those directories will be assigned to the generated asset packs.
  3. In the Content Packing & Loading schema:
    • Set the Build & Load Paths to the default local paths (LocalBuildPath and LocalLoadPath). At runtime, configure the load paths to use asset pack locations. For an example of how to do this, see the PlayAssetDeliveryInitialization.cs file.
    • Note: Since the Google Play Console doesn't provide remote URLs for uploaded content, it is not possible to use remote paths or the Content Update workflow for content assigned to asset packs. Remote content will need to be hosted on a different CDN.
    • In Advanced Options > Asset Bundle Provider use the Play Asset Delivery Provider. This will download asset packs before loading bundles from them.
Build Addressables

Build Addressables using the custom "Play Asset Delivery" build script. In the Addressables Groups Window, do Build > New Build > Play Asset Delivery. This script will:

  1. Create the config files necessary for creating custom asset packs
    • Each asset pack will have a directory named “{asset pack name}.androidpack” in the 'Assets/PlayAssetDelivery/Build/CustomAssetPackContent' directory.
    • Note: All .bundle files created from a previous build will be deleted from the 'Assets/PlayAssetDelivery/Build/CustomAssetPackContent' directory.
    • Each .androidpack directory also contains a ‘build.gradle’ file. If this file is missing, Unity will assume that the asset pack uses "on-demand" delivery.
  2. Generate files that store build and runtime data that are located in the 'Assets/PlayAssetDelivery/Build' directory:
    • Create a 'BuildProcessorData.json' file to store the build paths and .androidpack paths for bundles that should be assigned to custom asset packs. At build time this will be used by the PlayAssetDeliveryBuildProcessor to relocate bundles to their corresponding .androidpack directories.
    • Create a 'CustomAssetPacksData.json' file to store custom asset pack information to be used at runtime.
Create Runtime Scripts that configure custom Addressables properties

Prepare Addressables to load content from asset packs at runtime (see PlayAssetDeliveryInitialization.cs):

  1. Make sure that the generated asset packs are downloaded.
  2. Configure the custom InternalIdTransformFunc, which converts internal ids to their respective asset pack location.
  3. Load all custom asset pack data from the "CustomAssetPacksData.json" file.

Once configured, you can load assets using the Addressables API (see LoadObject.cs).

Note: To load content from AssetBundles during Play Mode, go to the Addressables Groups window (Window > Asset Management > Addressables Groups) toolbar and select Play Mode Script > Use Existing Build (requires built groups).

Build the Android App Bundle

When you have configured the build settings according to the Configure Build & Player Settings instructions, go to File > Build Settings and select Build to build the Android App bundle.

Note: You can't upload a development build to the Google Play Console. If you want to upload your App Bundle to the Google Play Console, ensure that you create a release build. For more information, see Build Settings.

The PlayAssetDeliveryBuildProcessor will automatically move bundles to their "{asset pack name}.androidpack” directories in 'Assets/PlayAssetDelivery/Build/CustomAssetPackContent', so that they will be assigned to their corresponding custom asset pack. Then Unity will build all of the custom asset packs along with the generated asset packs.

Advanced/On-Demand Resources

An example project that shows how to use Unity's On-Demand Resources API with Addressables. LoaderAdr (located in 'Assets/Scenes') contains a script that will load 12 bundles sequentially. Half are locally built and half are on-demand.

The Sample sets asset pack_a to _c as normal Bundles, and the rest, _d to _l as ODR Bundles,

The AdrOdrExt folder contains the files that support using Bundles from ODR.

Basic Workflow

In Andressables Profiles set the variable 'BuildPathODR' to where you want the ODR Bundles written.

In the Groups Panel for each group you wish to be ODR

  1. Add the Apple ODR Schema
  2. In the Schema select the BuildPathODR variable
  3. Change the AssetBundleProvider to ODR AssetBundle Provider
Build Addressables

Make sure you switch to IOS Target!

In the Addressables Group window switch choose ODR Build Script from the Build menu.

Build the Player

Make sure you switch to IOS Target!

Build the player from the build menu asnormal, the ODR Data should be set up correctly.

You can see it in the UnityData.xcassets file at the bottom of the project.