UniversalDependencies / UD_Faroese-OFT

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Føroyar -> Faroe Islands #2

Closed Bjartensen closed 6 years ago

Bjartensen commented 6 years ago

Hey @ftyers I think Føroyar should be translated to Faroe Islands instead of Faroe Isles. Is that ok with you? Faroe Isles is not unheard of, but I very rarely see it used.

Also I wanted to ask, to make changes to the repository, should I just make changes and a commit to the dev branch and create a pull request? Or do you have another workflow in mind (forks/branches/etc)?

martinpopel commented 6 years ago

The master branch is UD treebanks is locked (pushed to only by @dan-zeman when building a new UD release). If you have write access to this repo you can push to the dev branch, but if you want to make it as a pull request, you should create a new branch and then pull-request a merge to the dev branch (not to the master). Of course, @ftyers should have the last word.

ftyers commented 6 years ago

@Bjartensen "Faroe Islands" is fine for me... I think "Faroe Isles" is a bit archaic maybe?

So, feel free to change it, probably the best thing to do is to fork and make a pull request to the dev branch as @martinpopel suggests. Although, it might be better if you made the changes to the translations directly via PRing to the source in Apertium, which is here.

Bjartensen commented 6 years ago

Sorry @ftyers I'm not very experienced with Github.

I have cloned the apertium/apertium-fao repository, made a dev branch and added some changes and committed them. I tried to push the commits using git push origin dev but I get an error 403. I'm assuming I don't have access or something.

What do?

ftyers commented 6 years ago

@Bjartensen that makes two of us :D .... I think you need to send a "pull request" via the github interface, here is my suggestion:

  1. Go here: https://github.com/apertium/apertium-fao
  2. Top right, click on "Fork" it will ask you where you want to fork it to, you should choose Bjartensen.
  3. Go to https://github.com/Bjartensen/apertium-fao and clone the repository.
  4. Make your changes, commit and push them.
  5. Now in https://github.com/Bjartensen/apertium-fao you should see something about "make pull request", click on it.
  6. Click on the green buttons until the end, and hopefully I will receive an email saying you've submitted a PR.

It's a bit complicated, and I'm not an expert, but I think that should do.