UniversalRobots / Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver

Universal Robots ROS2 driver supporting CB3 and e-Series
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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I can't change velocity of robot when scaled joint trajectory control is operated. #955

Closed ozgur-kurt closed 7 months ago

ozgur-kurt commented 8 months ago

Affected ROS2 Driver version(s)

Humble UR

Used ROS distribution.


Which combination of platform is the ROS driver running on.

Ubuntu Linux with standard kernel

How is the UR ROS2 Driver installed.

Build the driver from source and using the UR Client Library from binary

Which robot platform is the driver connected to.

UR E-series robot, Real robot, URSim in docker

Robot SW / URSim version(s)


How is the ROS driver used.

Through the robot teach pendant using External Control URCap

Issue details


I am running ROS2 Humble UR10e in RVIZ and Moveit2 by validating URSim Virtual Controller Docker and my robot is moving so slowly when scaled_joint_trajectory_controller is used. I could not find to change correct parameters in terms of increasing velocity of robot. joint_limits.yaml did not work for me. I need to control my robot by using Moveit2 Servo and Pilz Motion Planner(PTP,LIN) in terms of checking singularity, collision and joint limits. I thought that it can be good solution if I switch my robot from scaled_joint_trajectory_controller to joint_trajectory_controller but I failed. If I can find a detailed tutorial between scaled_joint_trajectory_controller and forward_position_controller controllers it would be very good for me.

Issue details

Everything seems to work but so slowly. I need to operate my robot in max actual speed.

Relevant log output

No response

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RobertWilbrandt commented 8 months ago

The scaled_joint_trajectory_controller should only slow you down if you actually lower the speed scaling on the controller - you can monitor that value using ros2 topic echo /speed_scaling_state_broadcaster/speed_scaling. You can use the "normal" joint_trajectory_controller directly using the launch file:

ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_control.launch.py ur_type:=ur10e robot_ip:=<robot ip> initial_joint_controller:=joint_trajectory_controller

but this should not change anything as long as the speed_scaling topic returns 100.

Both these controllers (and forward_position_controller) do not care about any joint limits, so i would suspect that slow movement would be the result of parametrization on the MoveIt side. Can you verify if this occurs if you directly send goals to the controller?

It would also help if you could quantify "slow". What are the maximum velocities you achieve (e.g. looking at the /joint_states topic)?

ozgur-kurt commented 7 months ago

Thanks a lot Robert. When I send goals to the controllers that this script:

ros2 topic pub --once /urscript_interface/script_command std_msgs/msg/String '{data:
"def my_prog():
  textmsg(\"motion begin\")
  movej([2.3, -1.48, -1.55, -1.22, 1.23, -0.92], a=2.0, v=0.90, r=0)
  movel(p[0.188, 0.450, 0.589, 2.477, 2.470, 0.677], a=1.2, v=0.25, r=0)
  textmsg(\"motion finished\")

UR robot moves without scaled speed that it worked but this script executed only UR controller. I need to control and move real robot by using RVIZ and Moveit. I am not sure which controller should I use that among joint_trajectory_controller, scaled_joint_trajectory_controller, forward_position_controller. I am only sure that scaled JTC is not useful for me. What do you suggest in terms of using moveit features such as avoidance of singularity, collision, joint limit ?

fmauch commented 7 months ago

As Robert wrote: The motion speed is not a result from the controller, but from the controller's input. Please also see https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver/issues/966#issuecomment-2057771003