UnofficialCrusaderPatch / UnofficialCrusaderPatch2

Unofficial balancing patch installer for Stronghold Crusader 1
MIT License
430 stars 59 forks source link

Edit menu items in Stronghold Crusader HD #557

Open Mozarz opened 4 years ago

Mozarz commented 4 years ago

Great project. I use Stronghold Crusader HD only for Skirmish and occasionally Castle building / Map design. However, I do not use the Campaign trails, Historical campaigns and Multiplayer. What I'd like to see in the next version are edited menu items, so that the main menu (Pic 1) would look like this and the Crusader button on the main menu directs straightly to the Skirmish menu (Pic 2) bypassing the Trail / Skirmish menu. Note: These are edited screenshots, there is no such version yet. I doubt you can do this by editing the resources in Image Toolbox, you will need a decompiler or disassembler and a Hex editor, unless you have the source code.

HD_v1 3_1


GRhin commented 4 years ago

I suspect this would require alot of work for such a niche requirement. A developer might like the idea enough to do the work, however since its usefulness is limited mostly to you, and only saves one click per game for all the work required, I wouldnt count on it. If you are programartically inclined you can check out #504 and maybe see if you can so it yourself.

Graf-Grey commented 4 years ago

Hi Mozarz, welcome to Github. If you just want to play skirmish games and edit skirmish maps I have something that comes close to what you are looking for. Copy and paste: I myself improved and updated the Rat's, Snakes's and Wolf's castles, they are balanced now. Most modded files come from the European mod, some from other mods but I don't remember where exactly most stuff came from. Also take a look at the Tools section, you will find some interesting progz there. Good luck!

Lolasik011 commented 4 years ago

@Graf-Grey Good mod !