UofSSpaceTeam / usst-balloon

Software for the High Altitude Balloon project.
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Radio Systems #4

Open ausshir opened 7 years ago

ausshir commented 7 years ago

Some Alternatives

jjball commented 7 years ago

I am not too sure if we can use a cellular radio in the balloon, as according to this: http://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=3a6f5c68673c71cf564f7db91144bafe&mc=true&node=pt47.2.22&rgn=div5#se47.2.22_1925

Which was referenced from this website: http://www.highaltitudescience.com/pages/tracking-a-weather-balloon

It may be illegal to use a sim card or the cellular network to track the balloon?

But some other places state that using a cell phone is a cheap alternative that works up to 5000 feet, such as in this article: http://community.balloonchallenge.org/t/current-gps-tracker-products/668

The articles stating that using the cellular network is illegal are mainly from the US, while the ones suggesting to use them have been from the UK or South Africa so I assume it is illegal.

ottopasuuna commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I found that article as well and was hoping some Canadian specific regulations could be found. I found this, but like most things it refers to airplanes specifically, and doesn't imply anything for unmanned balloons. It's probably difficult to search for the absence of laws or laws that explicitly allow the use of cellular radio at high altitude, so it may be best to look at other alternatives.

Also, after looking at the third link Jaden posted, the issue of amatuer radio licenses arises. Are we covered by launching with the Saskatoon amateur radio club, or will we need our own license if we include our own radios?

bht822 commented 7 years ago

I found this for Arduino , it's easy to program and weighs less as well


ausshir commented 7 years ago

@ottopasuuna We should be able to ask Bruce from SARC about the regulations