Uptime-Formation / vnc_server_spawner

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VNC server spawner

With Ansible, Terraform, Tigervnc and Guacamole.


1. Install Terraform for Ansible inventory plugin

To use Ansible as provider in Terraform, you need the Ansible provider here


Copy the downloaded binary to ~/.terraform.d/plugins/.

2. Configure Terraform variables

2.1 Configure your cloud providers accounts

2.1.1. Instances

You MUST add SSH keys to your cloud provider account.

Required informations

  1. Scaleway
    • scaleway_api_access_key
    • scaleway_api_secret_key
    • scaleway_orga_id
  2. Hertner
    • hcloud_guacamole_server_type
    • hcloud_token
    • hcloud_vnc_server_type
2.1.2 DNS

You MUST have a domain recorded in your cloud DNS provider account.

Required informations

  1. OVH
    • ovh_application_key
    • ovh_application_secret
    • ovh_consumer_key
  2. Digital Ocean
    • digitalocean_token

2.2 Configure your Terraform variable file

2.2.1 Copy the template file
$ cp terraform/secrets.auto.tfvars.dist terraform/secrets.auto.tfvars
2.2.2 Copy the template file

Edit the file to add your tokens and other required informations

3. Run the shell script

./cloud_cli.sh setup_full

You will be asked to select the providers you want to use.


With Ansible installed and an inventory configured: ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY_PATH site.yml