UriahShaulMandel / BaldPhone

A new accessible interface for your smartphone, suitable for seniors
Apache License 2.0
280 stars 64 forks source link

Internationalization of BaldPhone #1

Open UriahShaulMandel opened 5 years ago

UriahShaulMandel commented 5 years ago

Have suggestions\bugs related to Internationalization? Please add a comment below :)

Know another language and interested in translating? check out this link and feel free to contact me at baldphone.contact@gmail.com

DJCrashdummy commented 5 years ago

beforehand: thank you for making this awesome app open source! :clap:

well... a first step for real internationalization not just translation would be to make the (complete) SOS-screen somewhere else usable - this would also help to attract contributors for translations more easily:

perhaps a setting to make the emergency item completely (number, name & icon) customizable would be the best solution.

UriahShaulMandel commented 5 years ago

Thanks, that's a good point! Will be addressed soon.

UriahShaulMandel commented 5 years ago

Hi there, I've been working on it for a while and here are my thoughts:

the emergency number must be configurable because 101 is hardly used anywhere else than in israel....

after checking the link you provided and a lot of different ones, I came to the understanding that simply calling 112 should do the job, as almost all carriers redirect it to the local emergency number.

also the Magen David Adom is hardly known outside of israel, so a more generic name like e.g. "emergency call" would be appreciated. and also the icon should be an "international" and "official" one, like the Red Crystal, Red Cross, Red Crescent (or the official ICRC logo - but i'm not sure if it fits here).

Fixed as well

This with other things (using much better libraries) will be fixed in the next release.

Thanks for the internationalization suggestions! I'm keeping this issue open for other suggestions.

earboxer commented 5 years ago

A few things:

UriahShaulMandel commented 5 years ago

Is there a way to add translated tutorial videos?

Yes, as soon as I'll have time to create more videos (this time more professionally, in a studio or something) The content in this file should actually be in each language file, then there could be (for example) only 2 videos in French but 20 in English, without any bugs :) Because I haven't managed to create videos in other languages I haven't done it yet.

I'll handle it really soon

The keyboard starts in Hebrew mode. (Though I think for long-term reliability, it may be better to contribute accessibility options to AnySoftKeyboard, since they already have 41 languages available.)

This is not the only problem with the keyboard, which I sometimes see as the "black sheep" of BaldPhone. This issue alongside other ones I heard from users will be fixed soon. AnySoftKeyboard looks cool, and I need to check into it. I see it's licensed under apache 2.0, so I can fork it\implement it in the app\ ship it with the app quite easily. I'll check into it and keep you notified :)

Thanks for contributing!

UriahShaulMandel commented 5 years ago

35 and #37

UriahShaulMandel commented 5 years ago

Hi @Primokorn , Can you please translate the following strings? https://github.com/UriahShaulMandel/BaldPhone/blob/a060c0f8d668df955b4ccd3fdcb2b6d94a8fa6e2/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml#L342 https://github.com/UriahShaulMandel/BaldPhone/blob/a060c0f8d668df955b4ccd3fdcb2b6d94a8fa6e2/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml#L351

And @Caibot , same thing: https://github.com/UriahShaulMandel/BaldPhone/blob/a060c0f8d668df955b4ccd3fdcb2b6d94a8fa6e2/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml#L342 https://github.com/UriahShaulMandel/BaldPhone/blob/a060c0f8d668df955b4ccd3fdcb2b6d94a8fa6e2/app/src/main/res/values-de/strings.xml#L348

DJCrashdummy commented 5 years ago




49: i'm not 100% sure because i don't know the context resp. place, but i tried my best and it should be sufficient to understand.

@UriahShaulMandel i guess the first link of your last post should be https://github.com/UriahShaulMandel/BaldPhone/blob/a060c0f8d668df955b4ccd3fdcb2b6d94a8fa6e2/app/src/main/res/values-fr/strings.xml#L345

vinaygopinath commented 4 years ago

Hi @UriahShaulMandel, it might be easier to maintain and request translation strings if you used a platform like Transifex or Weblate - Users who have no interest or skills in creating pull requests can easily contribute translation strings there, and I believe both platforms are free for open-source projects.

Signal's translation strings are maintained on Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/signalapp/signal-android/

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

Hi @vinaygopinath , those platforms indeed looks cool! BaldPhone could use one of those, The problem - money. the cheapest option is 19 dollars per month, and right now I cannot afford it, especially because I want to keep BaldPhone free and open source... I'll search for other free options, because as you said, it can make maintaining the strings much easier... Thanks!

vinaygopinath commented 4 years ago

@UriahShaulMandel There's been a misunderstanding. BaldPhone can use Transifex for free :slightly_smiling_face:

From the pricing page

What are the basic requirements to qualify as an Open Source account? We are proud and humbled to be hosting the largest Open Source translation community in the world. We offer Transifex for free to Open Source projects that have no funding, revenue, and/or commercialization model. If you have a question whether your organization qualifies for our Open Source program, please contact us.

Here's their contact page. Let me know if you don't have time and want me to reach out to them

earboxer commented 4 years ago

We offer Transifex for free to Open Source projects that have no funding, revenue, and/or commercialization model

BaldPhone has a Patreon

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

@vinaygopinath , @earboxer Does it count? The Patreon offers nothing, there are no pro features or anything like that...

Here's their contact page. Let me know if you don't have time and want me to reach out to them

If that's ok, it would be great! I'm quite busy until January... Thanks a lot

vinaygopinath commented 4 years ago

I don't think a trickle of donations on Patreon counts as funding :) I've written to Transifex. I'll update this thread when I hear from them

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago


aha999 commented 4 years ago

Weblate is opensource with code on github, they offer free options for opensource/libre projects, and it can also be self hosted. F-Droid is also on Weblate. Description of Weblate on their website: "Copylefted libre software, used by over 1150 libre software projects and companies in over 115 countries." Their price/options (last 2 on the right side are free): https://weblate.org/hosting/

Self hosting: https://weblate.org/download/

It also has different synced translation badges for github to see the progress.

vinaygopinath commented 4 years ago

I've created a Transifex project for BaldPhone, and marked it as an open-source project. Transifex will verify that claim (presumably by visiting the GitHub repo) before enabling all the features for free.

@UriahShaulMandel I've added your outlook email as a project owner/maintainer, but if you prefer to use a different one, please let me know (via email or via the contact form on my website)

Edit: As the owner of this repo, only you can set up the GitHub <> Transifex integration that allows for any modification to strings.xml files to be reflected on Transifex. Refer GitHub integration documentation

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much! Checking it out now

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

~Doesn't look like I'm signed as the maintainer tho~ Looks like it took some time to update, I think it's working now, thanks!

aha999 commented 4 years ago

@UriahShaulMandel What is the link to the Transifex project ?

Edit: Nevermind i found it by testing url's: https://www.transifex.com/baldphone/baldphone/

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

Great everything is working now, Thanks!

Caibot commented 4 years ago

I requested to join the German language in the team BaldPhone team on transifex. Could you please accept my rquest?

aha999 commented 4 years ago

And i requested for Slovenian. please accept.

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

@Caibot @aha999 I did it, Tranisfex didnt send me notifications, it should work now tho. Thanks!

aha999 commented 4 years ago

Comment from someone on transifex/weblate from another project:

Having tested both, weblate is handling the community aspect of translation better I think, but I would help on either platform (or any platform really, there are so many!). I also think it makes more sense for the project to use a free software, self-hostable solution than a plaftorm from a private company you have no way to change or influence.

rvrajj commented 4 years ago

I requested Hindi language. Please accept it.

natrius commented 4 years ago

Please translate the manual as well. Add the transifex link on the readme for everybody. Also, i bet it is possible to create automatically some sort of picture so its possible to see what languages are available already.

And, i would like to add something:

after checking the link you provided and a lot of different ones, I came to the understanding that simply calling 112 should do the job, as almost all carriers redirect it to the local emergency number.

Can't you make still make it editable with an default of 112?

Thanks for your work, i might need this soon for someone else :)

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

Hi there @natrius , and thank you for adding a comment to this issue!

Also, i bet it is possible to create automatically some sort of picture so its possible to see what languages are available already.

check out https://github.com/UriahShaulMandel/BaldPhoneCompanion

Can't you make still make it editable with an default of 112?

yes, opening an issue Thanks!

natrius commented 4 years ago

Ah, wow, i haven't seen that one. Thats really, really good.

I thought initally about something else, like there https://github.com/bilde2910/Hauk - scroll a little bit down and see what i mean. But i think thats provided by the translation tool the guy is using. But yours is really good as well, so everybody can see what it would look like in your own language. Nice!

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

I requested Hindi language. Please accept it.

Oh @RahiAkherajot , I didnt see it. I accidently pressed reject instead of accept (the icons were swapped because my language is hebrew shich is from right to left), extreamly sorry. can you ask again?

UriahShaulMandel commented 4 years ago

@natrius btw I fixed the bug so the images are available now

aha999 commented 3 years ago

I found out that Transifex doesn't support translation widgets, when i wanted to integrate them into my fork's github Readme for testing purposes with Readme...

Weblate supports translation widgets, which are very handy if people want to translate and can just look at the progress from the github project' repo. And it's open source while Transifex and other platforms are not, but it's the same as popular in my experience. It also make automatic merges afaik and i think it's better integrated with Github on that regard.

For example, translation widgets look like this (look at translation status in another project, where i added different widgets). I think that switching from Transifex to open source Weblate would be worthy for the widget reason alone.