Open fridaystreet opened 2 days ago
some further testing and attempted to put the user object onto the context inside the symbol property context So doing this in the directive.
context[contextSymbol].context.user = result?.user
This works and now the user property is available in all the providers as it should be. But again this feels pretty hacky and reliant on pulling the symbol from the object. I haven't tested this with providers further down the tree, so not sure if the symbol name would change at all? (UPDATE: this doesn't entirely work, see next comment)
Effectively the final solution for doing this in directives is something along the lines of (for brevity)
const fieldMapper = (schema, name, mapperKind) => (fieldConfig, _fieldName, typeName) => {
const IsAuthenticatedDirective =
getDirective(schema, fieldConfig, name)?.[0] ??
if (IsAuthenticatedDirective) {
const { resolve = defaultFieldResolver, subscribe = defaultFieldResolver} = fieldConfig
const next = mapperKind === 'SUBSCRIPTION_ROOT_FIELD' ? subscribe : resolve
const auth = async function (source, args, context, info) {
const contextSymbol = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(context).find(
(s) => s.toString() === Symbol.for("GRAPHQL_MODULES").toString()
if (!contextSymbol) {
throw new Error('Context Symbol is not available')
const inject = context[contextSymbol].injector
try {
const someDataToGoInContext = await injector.get(your provider).yourFunction() = someDataToGoInContext
context[contextSymbol] = someDataToGoInContext
} catch(e) {
throw e;
return next(source, args, context, info)
fieldConfig.resolve = fieldConfig.resolve ? auth : fieldConfig.resolve;
fieldConfig.subscribe = fieldConfig.subscribe ? auth : fieldConfig.subscribe;
return fieldConfig
This seems to be the only way we can find to use the injector in a directive and push data into the context for all providers
nope not quite there it seems.
The 'auth' module which is home to the isAuthenticated directive and other things related to auth, none of it's providers context are updated with this context update in the directive.
So this is a query inside the auth module schema, it runs isAuthenticated (@auth) and then isAuthorised directives
type Query {
getAuthGraphForContext(context: ItemContextInput!): AuthGraph! @isAuthorised(contextKey: "context") @auth
export default {
Query: {
getAuthGraphForContext: async (root, args, context, info) => {
//added these in to compare running context.ɵgetModuleContext
const taskModuleContext = Object.values(context)[6]('task', context)
const authModuleContext = Object.values(context)[6]('auth', context)
return context.injector.get(AuthorisationProvider).getAuthGraphForContext({...args, fields: getRequestedFields(info)})
This is the authorisation provider
scope: Scope.Operation,
global: true
export class AuthorisationProvider {
private me: any
@Inject(CONTEXT) private context: GraphQLModules.Context
) { = context.user
async getAuthGraphForContext({}) {
return this.context.user.authGraph
comparing the contexts of the different modules at this point above. The taskModuleContext includes the 'user' object that was added by the directives, but the auth module context, does not
So back to square one a bit here. Any ideas what the solutuon is or is this indeed a bug?
Many thanks in advance
Really feels like something is a miss somewhere.
Going back to modifying the the getContext function in graphql-modules so it updates the cached context. then we get a bit further. The context being passed into the resolver now has the user object in it, but then you call the context.injector in the resolver to load the provider, and the context inside the provider is still the old context with no user.
you can do this inside the provider function called by the resolver and it has the authModuleContext.user. but this.context.user inside the provider does not
const authModuleContext = Object.values(this.context)[6]('auth', this.context)
So the current workaround is to modify the graphql-modules getModuleContext and then override the context in the provider contructor as per below. This only seems to be required for providers in the same module as any directives that push extra data into the context
function getModuleContext(moduleId, ctx) {
var _a;
// Reuse a context or create if not available
if (!contextCache[moduleId]) {
// We're interested in operation-scoped providers only
const providers = (_a = modulesMap.get(moduleId)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.operationProviders;
// Create module-level Operation-scoped Injector
const operationModuleInjector = ReflectiveInjector.createFromResolved({
name: `Module "${moduleId}" (Operation Scope)`,
providers: providers.concat(ReflectiveInjector.resolve([
provide: CONTEXT,
useFactory() {
//also tried merging here but this makes no difference either
return merge(contextCache[moduleId], ctx)
// This injector has a priority
parent: modulesMap.get(moduleId).injector,
// over this one
fallbackParent: operationAppInjector,
// Same as on application level, we need to collect providers with OnDestroy hooks
contextCache[moduleId] = merge(ctx, {
injector: operationModuleInjector,
//merge any context updates into the existing cached context
contextCache[moduleId] = merge(contextCache[moduleId], ctx)
return contextCache[moduleId];
Then in the provider need to do
scope: Scope.Operation,
global: true,
export class AuthorisationProvider {
private me: any
@Inject(CONTEXT) private context: any
) {
const getContext: any = Object.values(context)[6]
context = getContext(context.moduleId, context)
this.context = context
Describe the bug
Seems to be related to this issue
If I setup a module application running through yoga the context in the schema directives doesn't contain the injector. Various hacks to fix this then cause any additonal data added to the context from the directive to not be populated into all the providers. (See the issue linked above).
While the workaround outlined in the above issue used to work, it no longer appears to work with latest version of graphql-modules and in fact just breaks the providers that are trying to use the injector.
The workaround above found that the context was being pulled from cache, so in the event that the context was being updated after a module had it's context, it would not be available in that modules providers. The workaround attempted to just repopulate every modules context with updates.
The current workaround is to force the injector into the context using the context: () =>.. function of the createYoga function. And use the controlled lifecycle to destroy after request. (not entirely sure this is the right approach, but only way could get the injector into the directive context)
The probalem here is that the same problem as mentioned in the other issue is then present. Not all the modules/providers context get the updated context (for some currently unknown reason).
Now in the context of the directive there is a Symbol(GRAPHQL_MODULES) key which does in deed contain an injector property. So I thought, maybe this is just a dependancy injection problem and I need to reference this in the directive function properties like so
But that doesn't do anything either, so I tried the follwoing, before realising that the 'injector' in this Symbol referenced part of the context is not an injector but a reference to the modules App. See screenshots of the context object passed to the directive.
Here is the directive, trying to pull the injector out of there. This works but feels very hacky.
Expected behavior I would expect that the injector is available in the directive context, I would also expect that amnything I add to the context in the directive is avilable to all modules/providers for the rest of the request execution
If anyone could give some advice on what we're doing wrong here, more than happy to approach it a different way and would be very grateful
BTW the middlewar context of all the providers seems to contain the proper context. And I'm half expecting someone to say, use the middleware, but I don't think that's ana acceptable solution. Directives should work and I don't want to have to go and manually define somewhere outsiode the schema that a particular query/mutation is auth or not