Userpilot / elixir-firestore

An abstraction over Google's Firestore API for convenience and configurability.
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Maintained? #2

Open skipday opened 4 months ago

skipday commented 4 months ago


I'm writing some elixir/firebase integration and this repo was a great starting point, thanks for that. Is this still being maintained? I've had to bump some versions to play nice with phoenix as well as add a request header, but I can't seem to figure out contributing - the github actions is giving me some hex problems?

If you're not planning further development I'll just create a fork but I figured I'd see about it first 😃

MajdSehwail commented 4 months ago

Hi @skipday

Yes, we are using this library in production. We didn't anticipate for any open source contributions really, so there isn't any public guidelines/roadmap.

For our current use case, the current capabilities of the library are enough, so there isn't a big push towards extending the library. Our highest priority next todo item, is to support structured query like syntax; The current supported operations are very simple (create, get, update).

We are more than happy to receive contributions and proposals.