VK-Ant / Tensorflow_Certification_Practice

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📢Tensorflow developer certification practice

First 2 Month follow this courses:

  1. https://www.udemy.com/course/tensorflow-developer-certificate-machine-learning-zero-to-mastery
  2. https://www.coursera.org/professional-certificates/tensorflow-in-practice
  3. Book:
    • deep learning with python (francois chollet)
    • Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems (Aurelien Geron)

Final Practice of tensorflow framework with problems:

And additional best resource:


  1. Pycharm and environment setup


  1. fundamental Operation of tensorflow
  2. Linear and logistic regressin using tensorflow
  3. Binary Image classification

    • Add the layer and increases training epocs
    • Handling of overfiting Model
    • Augmentation
    • Evaluation


  1. Multiclass Image classification
    • Preprocessing
    • Augmentation
    • Build model
    • Evaluation
    • save the model
  2. Transfer learning
    • Feature extraction
    • Finetuning
    • scaling up the model
    • prediction
  3. Multiclass image classification - Food101.py (All in one)


  1. Natural language processing
    • Basics
    • Model developement and prediction
  2. Time series forecasting
    • Basics
    • Building model and prediction


  1. Exam Date

🤩👉 Finally accomplished!

Screenshot 2023-10-27 215836

🤩Happy Learning🤩