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It's not possible to use easymotion? #4637

Open mendeljacks opened 4 years ago

mendeljacks commented 4 years ago

When typing bdw the command is interpreted as jump to all words before, and then choose d. It should be that it just highlights all the word beginnings.

This works:

    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["f"],
            "after": ["<leader>", "<leader>", "<leader>", "j"]


However this does not:

    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["f"],
            "after": ["<leader>", "<leader>", "<leader>", "b","d","w"]


I also tried with the bdw in one box, but that doesn't work either

    "vim.normalModeKeyBindings": [
            "before": ["f"],
            "after": ["<leader>", "<leader>", "<leader>", "bdw"]

Alex-Mann commented 2 years ago

I also have this issue.