We would like to inform you that there will be an important change in our delivery formats. Currently you receive article or chapter metadata in our proprietary A++ XML format. In the week of December 2 to 6, 2019, we will be switching to the JATS/BITS XML format.
The JATS/BITS DTD is published by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) and is supported by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). It is a standard for archiving and interchange of data used by many publishers and data suppliers.
Sample data for article JATS metadata and chapter BITS metadata are available at: ftp://ftpspringernature:testfiles@ftp.springernature.com
The NLM JATS/BITS DTDs and documentation are available here:
Dear Partner,
We would like to inform you that there will be an important change in our delivery formats. Currently you receive article or chapter metadata in our proprietary A++ XML format. In the week of December 2 to 6, 2019, we will be switching to the JATS/BITS XML format.
The JATS/BITS DTD is published by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM) and is supported by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO). It is a standard for archiving and interchange of data used by many publishers and data suppliers.
Sample data for article JATS metadata and chapter BITS metadata are available at: ftp://ftpspringernature:testfiles@ftp.springernature.com
The NLM JATS/BITS DTDs and documentation are available here:
JATS: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/index.html
BITS: https://jats.nlm.nih.gov/extensions/bits/
Should you have any questions about this change please feel free to contact us at: dds_support@springer.com
Kind regards,
Lutz Wind
Manager Content Data and Content Delivery
Data Development
Springer Nature
DDS Support Team
Springer Nature
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