VVingerfly / surfRecon

Surface Reconstruction
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where are the mc and emc executables? #2

Open ranahanocka opened 4 years ago

ranahanocka commented 4 years ago

I was able to build on Ubuntu 18.04 following the instructions in the README. However, the only executable created in build/bin/ is test_mc (which works). Where are the mc and emc executables? Do we have to modify something to create them?


VVingerfly commented 4 years ago

Hi, Rana @ranahanocka You can choose to use MC or EMC by changing the USE_MARCHING_CUBES macro in this line.

Best Regards

ranahanocka commented 4 years ago

Hi @VVingerfly ,

Thanks, I did that and it worked. I noticed that the results for emc / mc are exactly the same for the cube. I would have expected the emc result to have sharper features. Any idea why this is?

csyhping commented 1 year ago

Hi @VVingerfly ,

Thanks, I did that and it worked. I noticed that the results for emc / mc are exactly the same for the cube. I would have expected the emc result to have sharper features. Any idea why this is?

hi @VVingerfly yes i have the same results. cubes from mc and emc are same without sharp features.

VVingerfly commented 1 year ago

Hi, @csyhping, to produce sharp features with emc, you need to use enhanced distance field representation rather than the simple volume representation, see original emc paper for reference.