This was brought up by plc-user, the dxf imported quite small, and due to the rounding down to 2 decimal places of precision the circles (made of lines not ellipses) ended up all jagged. If we could scale the element before rounding, this might not be an issue. If we could also detect it as a circle instead of a bunch of polylines that would also solve it.
A cursory investigation shows that newer versions of dxf support embedding units, like inches, and mm, etc. However QET doesn't use any sort of real world units, it's all even if I could read in a units from the dxf what would I scale it to?
The default grid and column layout is landscape with 8 rows 80px high with i believe a 60px high title block...not quite the same ratio as an A4 paper...but pretty close....I could assume we default to an A4 sheet of paper, and scale the dimensions to always be based on a 210mm sheet of paper? so if the dxf has a height of 2inches, that converts to 50.8mm, if we assume an A4 paper with 640px rows for the drawing plus 60px for title block, that comes out to 3⅓ px per mm, so I would scale the block to 169⅓ px high (and the width equivalently). No clue if this would work well...can give it a go.
This was brought up by plc-user, the dxf imported quite small, and due to the rounding down to 2 decimal places of precision the circles (made of lines not ellipses) ended up all jagged. If we could scale the element before rounding, this might not be an issue. If we could also detect it as a circle instead of a bunch of polylines that would also solve it.
A cursory investigation shows that newer versions of dxf support embedding units, like inches, and mm, etc. However QET doesn't use any sort of real world units, it's all even if I could read in a units from the dxf what would I scale it to?
The default grid and column layout is landscape with 8 rows 80px high with i believe a 60px high title block...not quite the same ratio as an A4 paper...but pretty close....I could assume we default to an A4 sheet of paper, and scale the dimensions to always be based on a 210mm sheet of paper? so if the dxf has a height of 2inches, that converts to 50.8mm, if we assume an A4 paper with 640px rows for the drawing plus 60px for title block, that comes out to 3⅓ px per mm, so I would scale the block to 169⅓ px high (and the width equivalently). No clue if this would work well...can give it a go.