Valerigionetnoel / Restaurante-Trattoria

MIT License
1 stars 2 forks source link

Ristorante Trattoria


An Italian Restaurant, full stack MERN application.

User Story:

As a new Italian Restaurant Owner I want to be able to see reviews that my customers leave. Be able to have my customers leave donations, leave reviews, make and delete reservations and place orders.


Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 8 07 07 PM Screenshot 2023-06-28 at 8 07 00 PM

Live URL:

Technologies Used:

For this project we used many different technologies, for the Front End we used React, Styled Components to style the components, antD for carousels, and models, and CSS. For the Back End we used MongoDB, Mongoose, GraphQL, Node.js and Express.js to run the server and set up our models. Some extra technologies that we used are Authentication(JWT), emailJS to send an email when the contact form is filled out, Stripe to process payments.

Future Development:

In the future for this project we would love to finish up some of the plans that we had such as createing a cart where the customer can add menu items into, and checkout. A confirmation email or a notification when you have made a order or a reservation.


Chad Saplaco
Jiasi Li
Valeri Gionet-Noel
Victoria Benoit


MIT, refer to LICENSE in repo for more info.