ValvePython / dota2

🐸 Python package for interacting with Dota 2 Game Coordinator
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Get match dem and join bot to coach slot #80

Open BonusGned opened 2 years ago

BonusGned commented 2 years ago

I need to drop a bot in the lobby, preferably in the coach slot of any team, how can I do this? And now if I even throw the team players into the slot, then this happens. Then disconnect and back to the lobby. And will it be possible to download a demo of the played match later, how best to get information about this match salt, match id? I would be grateful for your help.

code for accept invite:

**@dota.on(dota.EVENT_LOBBY_INVITE) def invite(lobby): dota.respond_to_lobby_invite(lobby_id=lobby.group_id, accept=True)

@dota.on(dota.EVENT_LOBBY_NEW) def join(lobby): dota.join_practice_lobby_team(team=DOTA_GC_TEAM.BAD_GUYS, slot=2)**